It may be time to functionally assess what is going on. If there is a neuro transmitter imbalance in the body, the condition is compounded by the body's inability to fight back. Given half a chance, the human body is designed for self-recovery. But sometimes it needs help. The initial test shows the imbalance. Shore up the body with supplements and re-test three months later. Then you can re-balance acccording to the body's need. Many of these conditions may be improved or alleviated with Sanesco Functional Assessment. Contact me for more details.
Sanesco produces patented tests and supplements to provide a balance of neuro transmitters. It begins with an initial test. Over time it may save money to be treating a root cause.
Sanesco uses target nutritional therapies to restore and balance the communication system of the body. These nutritional supplements are specifically designed to therapeutically bring the patient from imbalance (anchor) to balance (restorative) and maintain that balance. Sanesco also has specific nutritional therapies to treat specific symptoms. Once balance is achieved over a 3 to 9 month period, one can be off the supplements or on a maintenance plan depending on the body's need. A Sanesco solution is custom tailored to the balance of neuro transmitters in the body.
These following Sanesco supplements are available now:
Sanesco Prolent formula is crucial in regulating stress of the body since it boosts the inhibitory regulators. Without the ability to modulate crucial production of adrenal hormones, the body can be under constant attack. Prolent anchors the body in preparation for recovery.
Sanesco Procite-D formula balances the excitatory family of regulators. This is often the second step of anchoring. It is important because fatigue can be the result of over excitation. The first symptoms in the cycle may well be anxiety, insomnia, or panic. Fatigue can be an indication of exhausted adrenals. Procite-D anchors the body in preparation for recovery. Fatigue may give way to depression. Apathy and a lack of drive or ambition are often clues that the excitatory regulators are exhausted.
Sanesco Lentra formula boosts an inhibitory regulator, GABA. Often used clinically for daytime anxiety, insomnia, menopausal heart palpitations, and sympathetic nervous system overdrive. Lentra calms nerves, anxiety, and irritability. It is often the proper formula to help re-establish balance in the initial and restorative phases.
Sanesco Soletra formula is a gentle version of Procite-D that has no phenylalanine with it. Soletra is often a good balancing formula which can substitue for Procite-D.
Sanesco Contegra formula is crucial in regulating low levels of function within both the adrenals and thyroid. Contegra helps balance the body despite low functional levels of adrenal and thyroid hormones.
Sanesco Somni-TR formula helps with sleep by boosting the inhibitory regulators and increasing available melatonin. Somni-TR helps balance the body with a timed release to help a person sleep through the night.
See the Sanesco Website to check out their products and the underlying research behind them. Contact me to get a test kit and a functional assessment.