-==//||PHI KAPP Gold||\\==- v6.66 the newest hottest war/mp3 script out. Tonz of features and easy to use. Hey what do you got to lose if you download it???
Description:-==//||PHI KAPP Gold||\\==- v6.66 is a war/mp3 script for all. With 2 mp3 dcc servers it is designed to let even the newest
mIRC user server their files.
Revenge for multipule or single opponents.
Tonz of kicks and kick-bans.
2 Auto op bots as well as many other bots.
2 MP3 dcc servers.
GUI that links to your MP3 player.
Auto list function.
Random MP3 play function.
Advertise what MP3's you're playing to a single or every channel you're on.