Netscape Animated GIF's Page 12

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SPINFACE GIF 3,078 bytes
Spinning Smiley Face

SMILEANI GIF 7,365 bytes
Smiley face licking lips

SMILE GIF 9,103 bytes
Winky Smile
From and © Graziana Cipresso

SMILEY3 GIF 25,947 bytes
Smiley face sticks out tounge

SMLBLNK GIF 1,000 bytes
Blinking Smiley Face
From and © Zaphod.Beeblebrox

GRIN-A GIF 8,563 bytes
Cheshire Grin

LITE GIF 1,902 bytes
Light bulb blinking

HOMEANIM GIF 27,393 bytes
Spinning Green Monopoly House
From and © ProMotion 3D Web Animation

SKANKING GIF 5,229 bytes
Dancing man
From and © Kevin Driscoll

ANIHART GIF 43,044 bytes
Throbbing Heart

SAWSPIN GIF 12,789 bytes
Saw Blade spinning

Last updated 01/21/98