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Getting it Nicely in the car was causing some head aches...

I Wanted to achieve the following:

I wanted to use the original cable for connecting to the serial port of the Psion.
I wanted to be able to use the whole thing in different cars, including rented cars e.g.
I wanted to use the 12 volt electricity from the car for both the Garmin (no problem) as the Psion Series 5 (requires 6 volts stabilized).
It had to look good enough for my wife.

This is what it looks like now....

overview_in_car.jpg (64683 bytes)


As you can see I'm using a car stand, that allows me to mount my Psion 5 into different cars.

The Garmin just needs a strap of Velcro tape.

stand_ok.jpg (66965 bytes)

The Car Stand comes from Widget


The connector to the Garmin is trickier, you can obtain one (Share HardWare)

through Larry Berg's Purple Computing page at The Pfranc guys.

Angus Pinkerton is the UK distributor of the connector and his homepage is at