-Internal search-
Jasearch.pl is a simple search routine that allows you
to search your own web pages.
WebSearch allows users to search for
key words in documents located on your Web site. It searches the basic text of the
documents, as well as ALT text and any information contained in META "keywords"
and "description" tags. The script scores the match URLs based upon the
frequency with which the requested key terms appear in the documents, and also lists the
date on which each file was last modified. You can easily configure the number of matches
which will be displayed on each results page.
Search New
Perlfect Search is a sophisticated, powerful,
versatile, customizable and effective site indexing/searching suite. It supports most
features found in professional site search programs, and is free.
Dynamics search
This is an internal search engine for your website,
very similar to Matt Wright's Simple Search. This script expands on the simple one by
taking into account new Meta tags, such as keywords and description. The
list of hits for a particular query are also weighted by relevance.
A powerful internal site search script with many
features similar to those found on large search engines.
Simple Search
Simple Search allows you to integrate a keyword and
boolean search program into your site so that users can search specified text and HTML
documents. It then returns a list of filenames (displayed based on their title tag found
in the HTML page) which matched the specified keyword(s).
Perlfect Search is an integrated, general purpose, site
indexer and search engine. It comes as a pair of disctinct scripts. The indexer, that
automatically, scans and indexes a web site, and the search engine, a cgi script that
serves search queries for keywords over the index, and displays results pages in html, in
a standard format including title, description and relevance ranking for each matching
-External search-
A flexible script that allows you to offer searches of any
major search engine all from a single form on your site! Includes the ability to search 8
major search engines by default, and is designed to be easily extensible with as many
search engines as you want/need.
SearchWWW is a simple script that takes input from a html
and submits it to a search engine to search.
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