Welcome To SusanNguyen's Guestbook

Name: Phu.ng Uye^n (Homepage)
Country: Date: Sun Jan 2 06:26:15 2000
Comment: Chao` ba.n! ba.n fe? hong ? to^i la` guy nhu*ng cha me. to^i dda*.t cho cai' te^n la` con gai',hong sao quen rui`, tha^'y ba.n dde^~ cai' ddia. chi? cua? ba.n tren chat tha^'y hay hay ne^n me nick vao` ra^'t muo^'n la` ddu*o*.c la`m ba.n vo*i' ba.n , kho^ng bie^'t la` ba.n co' cho me co* ho^i ddo hong hy vo.ng la`la^`n sau se~ ddu*o*.c ca^u tra? lo*i`
Name: phieulu (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Sat Jan 1 05:24:53 2000

Name: jeremy noel (Homepage)
Country: usaDate: Fri Dec 31 10:34:50 1999
Comment: you have a good site. rat la tot ma co noi cho cuong bang cach nao cuong co the lam home page duoc khong? tuyet song o cali huh o thanh pho nao. cuong nghi ma neu tuyet biet day la ai tuyet se co ngac nhien neu muon biet thi hoi am cho cuong ne ok bye cam on
Name: John (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Fri Dec 31 10:05:13 1999
Comment: Cool website Susan.
It would be nice if u had a pix in it.
all in all it's cool.
i'm a sorry person because i ain't got a website like u.
Take care now.

Name: Cute-Boy (Homepage)
Country: AustraliaDate: Sat Dec 25 08:08:07 1999
Comment: Hi Susan i really like your homepage thanx you for letting me go into your website is very nice of you, my opion is that your homepage is fantastic, last but not least hope you hav a great christmas and a happy new years....ok bye bey
Name: Mark Tran (Homepage)
Country: AustraliaDate: Wed Dec 22 15:14:47 1999
Comment: Hi Susan,
You have a very 'lively' webpage. Keep it up:)...Merry Christmas!
Name: Niki (Homepage)
Country: IndianaDate: Tue Dec 21 01:40:01 1999
Comment: hey, tight little place u got here. i like it! but anyhoo...check out my little buhay..thanks!!

Name: sang (Homepage)
Country: usaDate: Tue Dec 14 01:31:14 1999
Comment: hompage de.p lam do'....graphic de.p lam....tai sao khong co mp3s vay ha?....anyways...good job
Name: Khanh (Tan_Vuong (Homepage)
Country: GA, USADate: Sat Dec 11 06:31:52 1999
Comment: Hi ur site is really good, but i suggest you not to use too much java applets it will slow your website down. Use javascript if you can. Check out my website it's not really good but it's an example. I didn't update my website cause i don't have time, so it doesn't have anything except for the first page :-). well hope i can play with you again in playsite. bye, and merry christmas.
Name: TJ (Homepage)
Country: DEDate: Fri Dec 10 15:15:38 1999
Comment: Hi Susan, nice website, you have alot interesting stuff to enjoy. I really like your jva lake, keep your great work up. Of course I did vote for you. Ohhh if you have time, come visit my site

Name: TJ (Homepage)
Country: DEDate: Fri Dec 10 15:14:30 1999
Comment: Hi Susan, nice website, you have alot interesting stuff to enjoy. I really like your jva lake, keep your great work up. Of course I did vote for you. Ohhh if you have time, come visit my site
Name: john nguyen (Homepage)
Country: usaDate: Fri Nov 26 08:28:52 1999
Comment: hi susan that's some nice work you got there,very creative.u inspire me to make one but i still need some money to get a scanner and lots of products.well talk to you bye.
Name: KennyDzung (Homepage)
Country: USDate: Wed Nov 24 01:54:42 1999
Comment: Woooooooooooow, I really like your HP.
You did a very nice job.
Keep it up a good work nhe'. bye
Name: vinh (Homepage)
Country: USDate: Tue Nov 23 04:11:25 1999
Comment: nice web page but too much amination words and picture
make me eye hurt.
Name: Tri (Homepage)
Country: Date: Tue Nov 23 02:40:23 1999
Comment: This is the best site I ever seen!!!! Hopefully u will have more homepage in future and don't forget to let me know!!!
C-ya later
Name: thanh binh (Homepage)
Country: VNDate: Tue Nov 23 01:27:33 1999
Comment: very nice page, too bad u live to far away...if not i would ask for help to make one myself....hey catch u laterz
Name: Kiet (Homepage)
Country: TexasDate: Sun Nov 21 09:54:23 1999
Comment: Your webpage look nice. Can u send me ur picture.
Name: TJ (Homepage)
Country: HoustonDate: Sun Nov 21 09:47:31 1999
Comment: ur page lookk lookkkk kooll, well u dont knokw me, but u knkow my homie kenny!! do u?? well ur page look kooll!!! sooooooo kooolll!!!
aite gtg now i'll come back!!!
Name: phong (Homepage)
Country: usaDate: Sun Nov 21 07:35:01 1999
Comment: hi there....
u got a really great homepage...it's fabulous.. i really like it...keep up the good work ok?...:o) see ya...cha`o...
Name: SOE HLAING FONG (Homepage)
Country: U.SDate: Fri Nov 12 05:44:46 1999
Comment: GREAT WEB SITE!!!!!

Name: loi truong (Homepage)
Country: Date: Tue Nov 9 13:34:19 1999
Comment: test
Name: seaguy (Homepage)
Country: usaDate: Thu Nov 4 11:08:19 1999
Comment: hi, came through vietscape and I got two questions, do you really need those two popup windows on your main page cuz everytime I switch between your pages and home, they keep popping up, also, try to cut out of your javescripts, java applets or animations cuz I have a T-1 line at work and took forever to move around in your page, to tell the truth, the only page I checked was your profile page before I gave up, so I really can't tell what your page is about yet
Name: James Williams (Homepage)
Country: AustraliaDate: Wed Nov 3 01:09:09 1999
Comment: Just a few words to say Hello ,very nice home page,colorful ,i like it very much...
By the way ,I am beginner of HTML language, I would like you to help me something.
If possible can you help me to write HTML code to get the logo scroll at the bottom of the home page like your home page :"Hello!Welcome to my home page..." .Please advise me how to write HTML code to get that works.Thank a lot for your help .Look forward to hear from you soon.BYE

Name: Anna Vo (Homepage)
Country: usDate: Tue Nov 2 22:36:15 1999
Comment: i love your homepage Tuyet. You did a great job.
Name: Happy (Homepage)
Country: Date: Mon Nov 1 05:06:34 1999
Comment: Nice home page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Minh Tran (Homepage)
Country: orangeDate: Sun Oct 31 07:04:50 1999
Comment: nice to meet you!have a nice day.Minh Tran
Name: Vu Nguyen (Homepage)
Country: U.S.ADate: Sun Oct 31 04:16:09 1999
Comment: i like this web site so much, so thanks.
Name: Linh Ngoc Nguyen (Homepage)
Country: AmericaDate: Sun Oct 31 04:10:25 1999
Comment: your homepage is really beautiful. your layout attracts many people.
Name: Chi (Homepage)
Country: usaDate: Sun Oct 31 03:23:32 1999
Comment: very nice homepage! Everything is very neat and beautiful.
Name: thunguyen (Homepage)
Country: viet namDate: Sat Oct 30 03:00:06 1999
Comment: wanna be my friend????

Name: a. nguyen (Homepage)
Country: ga, usaDate: Sat Oct 30 02:54:44 1999
nice home page , good work
Name: Kenny.c (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Wed Oct 27 08:21:59 1999
Comment: Very nice home page Susan ! keep up the good work .Tuoi? tre? tai` cao .BY the way, where is your pix ? :-)

"Suit l'amour, l

Name: Jeremy Phan (Homepage)
Country: Date: Wed Oct 27 07:20:30 1999
Comment: Hi....What a cool homepage to visited!! But where is your pix? I really like the final touch to your guest book...If you ever decide to put a pix of yourself, I would love to see who is behind this homepage.
Best wishes alway,
Name: Yun (Homepage)
Country: SOmeWHereDate: Wed Oct 27 02:29:12 1999
Comment: Very nice homepage, cool clock by the way.
Name: Phong Van Nguyen (Homepage)
Country: ???Date: Tue Oct 26 11:01:48 1999
Comment: Cooolll!!!
Hi Susan Nguyen, u have a great homepage.

Name: ProDucN (Homepage)
Country: Date: Tue Oct 26 06:44:51 1999
Comment: well this is a great page with fancy java scripts.
I love it! (nha^'t la` pha'o bo^ng)
good page
Name: Tram Huynh (Homepage)
Country: Date: Thu Oct 21 04:53:21 1999
Comment: very nice homepage. Did you spend lots of tim in it?
Name: Jimmy (Homepage)
Country: norwayDate: Wed Oct 20 13:46:58 1999
Comment: hi ban..... co the nao minh lam ban duoc kg???
neu duong noi cho Jimmy biet...Jimmytuan50@hotmail.com see u
Name: VU NGUYEN (Homepage)
Country: Cali..u.s.aDate: Fri Oct 15 22:40:25 1999
Comment: Hi..

How r u..today..??i'm fine...

IT's nice homepager...I tried to make one look like
ur homepager but i cannot...hihihi...One more thing..
May i ask..?? Where do u get those class....??? Such as
Firework.class; GradBlink.class..any more...Can u show me..
please..thanks.....Have a nice day...
Name: Joseph nguyen (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Mon Oct 11 19:17:29 1999
Comment: Nice stuffs, but I wish to see some of your pictures.

Name: andylee (Homepage)
Country: AUSTRALIADate: Mon Oct 11 03:08:48 1999
Comment: look good ... ma\ sao kho^ong co/ hinh\ anh? gi\ h^et look ...bite boring
Name: andylee (Homepage)
Country: AUSTRALIADate: Mon Oct 11 03:07:58 1999
Comment: look good ... ma\ sao kho^ong co/ hinh\ anh? gi\ h^et look ...bite boring
Name: Giang Nguyen (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Mon Oct 11 02:57:37 1999
Comment: very nice layout and lots of cool stuff... However, i dont see any pix of either u, your family, or friends, which im very disappointed for not see any of it..hehehe
Name: carina lim (Homepage)
Country: philDate: Mon Oct 11 02:38:54 1999
Comment: need some construction and need to add pic
Name: LuKe (Homepage)
Country: Date: Mon Oct 11 02:36:15 1999
Comment: HeY! U Did A gReAt Jobs On YoUr PaGe. I lIkE iT a LoT..ThAnKs 4 LiNkinG me..Bye TaKe kAre..LateZ!
Name: kiet19 (Homepage)
Country: vietnamDate: Sat Oct 9 08:55:59 1999
Comment: khong biet gi de noi ca /////////////
Name: kiet19 (Homepage)
Country: vietnamDate: Sat Oct 9 08:48:39 1999
Comment: i have no idea with this none
Name: david (Homepage)
Country: SydneyDate: Sat Oct 9 08:18:15 1999
Comment: That's great homepage,keep going......Where is you picture??!!!?!?
Name: Tuan (Homepage)
Country: Date: Sat Oct 9 05:56:45 1999
Name: BRIAN VUONG (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Sat Oct 9 05:50:13 1999
Comment: hi there, even though you don't know me, but i just wanna let you know that you've created a very pretty homepage,,,,,way to go, girl,,,,,it's very nice,,,,,,,,,

Name: Belinda (Homepage)
Country: AustraliaDate: Sat Oct 9 05:49:22 1999
Comment: I love your page....it's cool
Name: guess (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Wed Oct 6 02:25:37 1999
Comment: I think that your homepage is great. I haven't checked it out yet, but I know that it's good. I see you have some good stuff there. However, it's too fancy, don't you think? I takes a while for the computer to download all the backround and everything. Later.
Name: PATRICK (Homepage)
Country: VIETNAMDate: Wed Oct 6 01:36:17 1999
Name: Baovan (Homepage)
Country: Date: Tue Oct 5 20:46:45 1999
Comment: Hi, I visited your website and really liked what I saw. So much so that I would like to ask you to add your site to mine. To do that, please go to http://www.bitesofasia.com and choose "Add your site" at the bottom of the page. Once you enter your site, the script will automatically put a link to your site.

If you don't mind, we also would like you to add our site to yours. At Bites Of Asia, we have great recipes from around the world, Ecards, and music.


Name: Ho Anh Tuan (Homepage)
Country: Date: Sun Oct 3 07:59:36 1999
Comment: Cai Trang Web cua chau dep lam, nhung ma bac khong thay hinh gi cua chau het, lam bac khong thay duoc cam hung gi ca.
co gi goi lai van phong cua bac, bac dua chau di an va mua qua cho chau do chau Susan Nguyen oi!
chao doan ket den voi chau.
bac Ho Anh Tuan.
Name: sang dang (Homepage)
Country: houston,txDate: Sun Oct 3 07:50:33 1999
Name: LeCan (Homepage)
Country: Texas!Date: Sun Oct 3 06:19:23 1999
Comment: You have a most impressed Homepage I ever viewed.
If you like flowers as Sis Mai. Please check mine!
Name: phong (Homepage)
Country: Date: Sat Oct 2 21:47:04 1999
Comment: i like to know how you can create your home page that beautiful
Name: Jacky Doan (Homepage)
Country: U.S.ADate: Sat Oct 2 21:04:55 1999
Comment: thank for your picture of Cau Trang tien , song
Huong , cay Phuong special like real water.
can you help me put picture on E-mail for send
to Vn .
Name: Daniel Truong (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Sat Oct 2 09:13:59 1999
Comment: I got the link to your website on Vietscape. I thought your page was pretty cool. I really like the refletion picture at the bottom of the page.

Name: khanh pham (Homepage)
Country: AUSTIN, TXDate: Sat Oct 2 05:04:42 1999
Comment: Hi Susan
How are you doing? Your homepage is nice looking,I think you are looking nice too. Do you have someone to sare yet? If you are not jsut send me a email at above I will welcome anytimes. J/K(*-*).I am waiting for you reply . see ya.
Name: Trinh Tran (Homepage)
Country: Date: Sat Oct 2 03:00:42 1999
Comment: Hello Tuyet
How are you doing? How your school? Is it fun? Did you have any new friends yet? Still looking for someone huh? :-) J/K Anyways have a nice day! Good Luck in school & life.
See ya
Name: stephenie a. (Homepage)
Country: usaDate: Wed Sep 29 15:48:31 1999
Comment: HI THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Huynh Le (Homepage)
Country: The NetherlandsDate: Wed Sep 29 10:18:17 1999
Comment: Your site is good, maybe too good. Don't stop too
much things on 1 page. It's getting annoying and one more thing. On the midi-page you use a bluely
background with blue letters. Perhaps it's more clear if you use a other combination.

Name: luan (Homepage)
Country: alhambraDate: Sun Sep 26 22:46:36 1999
Comment: i think your homepage is really nice
Name: THIE^N*TA^M*NGUYE^~N (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Sun Sep 26 09:59:58 1999
Comment: Hi SUSAN this's Thie^n Ta^m,
with me you're having great
webpage so wonderful,well-
keep going and continue -
improvement ok,good-luck.
Name: Christine (Homepage)
Country: AustraliaDate: Sat Sep 25 07:06:26 1999
Comment: Cute Homepage!!
Name: Jimmy (Homepage)
Country: Laos(hehe)Date: Sat Sep 25 01:25:10 1999
Comment: sup.. here signin ur g book... hope u have a wonderful life.... may all your wishes come tru...
forever & always,
Name: phong tran (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Fri Sep 24 18:59:42 1999
Comment: It is really well done
Name: cody (Homepage)
Country: usaDate: Fri Sep 24 07:30:00 1999
Comment: ok

Name: Nguyen Long (Homepage)
Country: cali,usaDate: Thu Sep 23 07:00:51 1999
Comment: It've been fun to surf ur homepage, i really like it, just keep up ur nice work, u are very smart(j/k):
Name: Nguyen Long (Homepage)
Country: cali,usaDate: Thu Sep 23 06:57:57 1999
Comment: It've been fun to surf ur homepage, i really like it, just keep up ur nice work, u are very smart(j/k):
Name: dummy (Homepage)
Country: Date: Thu Sep 23 06:38:11 1999
Comment: hey want to make money while surfing the net?
go here
Name: Jimmy Hoang (Homepage)
Country: USA/VietNamDate: Mon Sep 20 20:30:20 1999
Comment: Dear Susan:

I am very impressed with your java pictures. If
you do not mind, I am in the learning stage of
creating my family first web page. Would you please
be kind a email me at the address listed above. I
would love to know where, and how can I get these
java pictures just for fun only. No competition, or
any other means....
I bet you are an expert in computer...especially
Name: Nhan Nam (Homepage)
Country: usaDate: Sun Sep 19 10:24:13 1999
Comment: I like it.
Name: Thai Tran (Homepage)
Country: santa claraDate: Sun Sep 19 09:49:25 1999
Comment: nice, keep up the good work
Name: phong nguyen (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Sun Sep 19 09:08:30 1999
Comment: Hello, cha`o. Mi`nh muo^'n ba.n chi? mi`nh how to make a homepage. Ba.n co' muo^'n nha^.n de^. tu*? kho^ng. Ne^'u nhu* ba.n muo^'n chi? mi`nh thi` please e-mail me: Phong143@yahoo.com
Name: phong nguyen (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Sun Sep 19 09:08:28 1999
Comment: Hello, cha`o. Mi`nh muo^'n ba.n chi? mi`nh how to make a homepage. Ba.n co' muo^'n nha^.n de^. tu*? kho^ng. Ne^'u nhu* ba.n muo^'n chi? mi`nh thi` please e-mail me: Phong143@yahoo.com
Name: dung hoang (Homepage)
Country: u.sDate: Sat Sep 18 21:26:52 1999
Comment: HELLO. NGUYEN Toi muon (learn)how to desgin home page con nhan hoc tro khong Toi nam nay 40 years old . thank
Name: Han Pham (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Sat Sep 18 00:59:21 1999
Comment: hey i love your page...it's nice like da pix u got there...well me dunno wat to say but hope to chat to u in yahoo again soon...love ya...han

Name: Vinh Trang (Homepage)
Country: USDate: Fri Sep 17 00:05:23 1999
Comment: Hey, what's goin' on?? Your page really sux...hehhehehe, I'm just messin'!! It's really pretty cool. You should put in bout u and lotz and lotz of pictures, cause it your page and should have stuff bout u. Whatz up wit all da flowers and plants and shit. Ooops, sorry bout da bad language. Well, I've gotz ta go, laterz! Vinh
Name: lynn (Homepage)
Country: usaDate: Tue Sep 14 06:26:10 1999
Comment: It's a great page, i love the lyrics
Name: jimmii nguyen (Homepage)
Country: kaliDate: Tue Sep 14 04:26:26 1999
Comment: hi,how are u today baby,so your homepage is very cool,so i hope u check out my homepage sign my guessbook ok thank
jimmii nguyen
Name: DUY NGO (Homepage)
Country: Viet NamDate: Tue Sep 14 03:41:08 1999
Comment: i'm so fat. I love beautiful girls
Name: John (Homepage)
Country: U.S.Date: Mon Sep 13 20:42:46 1999
Comment: Your website is alive !!! It is goooood
Name: (Homepage)
Country: Date: Sun Sep 12 09:41:23 1999
Name: hua (Homepage)
Country: hereDate: Sun Sep 12 07:46:19 1999
Comment: I like your oicture there
Name: aaron pham (Homepage)
Country: Date: Sun Sep 12 07:11:55 1999
Comment: hi...you have very nice website...i liked it alot...you're very nice girl , I think....take carez...later babe
Name: Massiah_81 (Homepage)
Country: AustraliaDate: Sat Sep 11 07:44:52 1999
Comment: I like ur Homepage. Great job woman!
Name: dylan pham (Homepage)
Country: Date: Sun Sep 5 09:09:13 1999

Name: Brandy Nguyen (Homepage)
Country: Date: Sun Sep 5 08:05:55 1999
Name: Elektra (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Sun Sep 5 07:56:29 1999
Name: hieu (Homepage)
Country: usaDate: Tue Aug 31 06:05:48 1999
Comment: nice job, very beautiful pictures
Name: HL (Homepage)
Country: Cali, U.S.ADate: Mon Aug 30 00:47:40 1999
Comment: Hi T!
I can't believe it, yessss, you did that. Nice background & impressive
,keep it up T, I will back here someday,at that time I hope
that I can see some of your beautiful pix . :0)
Name: Huy Nguyen (Homepage)
Country: vietnamDate: Sun Aug 29 04:17:54 1999
Comment: You did a good job, keep it up ,
Nice page susan
Name: Kevin Tran (Homepage)
Country: USADate: Sat Aug 28 19:12:29 1999
Comment: Hey this is a kewl site I like it a lot???
Name: vongdoan (Homepage)
Country: usaDate: Sat Aug 28 19:06:29 1999
Comment: guestbook ddep lam ddo nhe...hy vong gap lai sau
Name: TUAN (Homepage)
Country: sanjoseDate: Sat Aug 28 19:06:20 1999
Comment: i need to know who are you & what this for thanksu plese send email to me
Name: thu (Homepage)
Country: U.S.ADate: Sat Aug 28 18:46:09 1999
Comment: so nice background why i can't see your pix