This page is for my port of FreeCiv to the Macintosh.

Update September 2002: After a long hiatus, I've mothballed my old Carbon port, and started from scratch on a Cocoa port. Use at your own risk, no expressed or implied warranty, blah, blah, blah. This is still a work in progress. Please note that the headers in the Cocoa download aren't all updated to include the standard freeciv boilerplate. This will be corrected in the future.

The Cocoa port uses a recent (early September) copy of the CVS source. To build it, you'll need to have Apple's developer tools installed. If they don't come with your copy of OS X (usually on a seperate CD), you'll need to download them from ADC (200+ MB download. Sorry.) At this time, the chatline works, unit moving kinda works, order menu should work, redrawing kinda works. To build the server (not included), you want set up a local CVS repository (instructions here) and download Automake. Again, you'll need the developer's tools. When I get things to a more useable point, I'll tar that up and make it available.

The Carbon port is based off of a Feb, 2001 copy of the source. It will probably require more work that it's worth to make it useable. If you download it, you'll probably need a copy of Metroworks Codewarior to build it. To use the CVS server if you don't have OS X, you'll probably want a copy of MacCVS Pro 2.2.1. You can get it here. The config file is included in the Carbon download. Place the file in the directory that contains the freeciv folder.

Please send any code fixes or ideas to the freeciv developers mailing list.