Here are some of the links related to computers and Technology.My areas of interest are ATM Networks,TCP/IP Networks,Distributed Computing,C++,Obect Oriented Analysis and Design and DNS.
UNIX Reference Desk: Information about UNIX, plus pointers to product, user interface, and technical information.My favourite UNIX reference site.
UNIX Guru Universe: A very large site with lots of resources. A great resource for solaris admins and other developers. Need some code?Here's everything from Internet programming to Web hosting tools.And like all good things in life it's free!

Connected, An Internet Encyclopedia: A very readable and useful resource for all those who need to know how the internet works.
The ATM Forum: All about Asynchronous Transfer Mode, the technology of the future.
ATM Knowledgebase: A good source of ATM tutorials and other stuff.
IP SwitchingThe exciting new frontier

A coding convention for C++ code: A very usable and clear-cut style guide for C++.
The C++ Virtual Library : Lots of useful information on C++.
The Booch method: A good overview
C++ Glossary: Quick and easy reference
C++ and other resources

IRC II help
Hotwired Webmonkey:Neat reference to WebBuilding
Netscape Webbuilder
Web tutorials

Gabin's Links: My ex-colleague gabin maintains a decent links list. Will update this list very soon.Faster than the other pages. 1