Attention: Web Viewers
Date: Friday, October 12,1999
It has been One Month of school in. I am trying to create a Christmas Page, and I am also getting ready to get rid of my Dell Deminsion XPS D266 and Get our new Dell in about 2 weeks from today. I am trying to clean up a lot of the junk in my computers hard drive. I also am currently working for my dad on the weekends, and I am trying to work on my web site in between.
I am thanking everyone for being so patient while I was working on updating my stuff for the past few months, I have some things updated, but there is still more before Y2K, and a whole section of Christmas stuff COMING SOON! I am still working on improving this site so it is as cool as the "Welcome Page." I am so excited to get the rest of this site updated. (In this letter I would have liked to have told you "The web page is completed, but this site is never gonna be completed, or the site will start to grow old. Please do note that there is still much more work to be done, so I will keep working to update this site. If you have any ideas on how to improve the site please email me at the address below.
Please drop by my site, especially around Christmas, it will be like a "Happy Holiday!"
Thanks again for being so patient.
If you have ideas for my web site
click here to email Jason
Jason Roberts
If Anyone Sees Pearl Jams "Last Kiss" out on Midi format please email me at the address above
Background Music is "Walking on the Sun" by Dave Matthews Band ???? I THINK ???