About Our Home

Our first home was build around March 1997 and has been improved several times. There are two people residing here. In Andre's study you'll find most of all links to computer stuff. In Kim's Kitchen you'll find links to art, health, movies, recepies and so... 
My pride and joy is the Java side of our home there you'll find topics, Java, Directory Services, Ldap, Sun's Certification for Java Programmer, JDBC-ODBC with MSAccess. My Java Scratchbook contains a lot of reference material and code on the most commonly used packages. 

As I am currently available for job opportunities in Pittsburgh, PA,
my resume is currently online.
About André

Currently I am employed as a freelance Java Developer at ABN/AMRO through the coop FreeIT. Previously I worked at the Port of Rotterdam working with document retrieval systems and programming Java based Inter/Intranet applications. Since 1988 I've been known as the BananaMan which I inherited from my favourite cartoon hero BananaMan. On the left side you see my dashing self-portrait ("Eat your heart out Ape-Man"). For some years I am a Java Certified Programmer.

(Here for the cartoons intro in WAV)

About Kim

Currently I am employed at Intel International. The rest of the time I'm busy with my ministry (together with André). In New York I was involved with interpreting for the deaf in ASL and I'm very much interested in linguistics. And of course I love Dutch (not really). I love cooking and movies therefor you'll find interesting links about these topics on my page. 






BMC88 (C) 1998-2001
Your always welcome to submit comments or suggestions about the Java stuff. Please send your comments to our caretaker.