The original link is to be found at:
Developed by JayDee Technology
To download this application, select the following link and save the associated zip file to your hard disk:Once you have downloaded the file, unzip the contents of the file. This should extract into a directory structure headed by the directory jdt. This directory contains 3 subdirectories caleld dialog, io and cert. The jdt/cert directory ctains the majority of the JDCert application code and data files. The jdcert.jar file is in this directory.
The jdt/cert directory also contains a number of batch files which can be used to initiate the application. These are run, run11 and run2 (both .bat and .sh files are provided). You may need to edit these files if you place the jdt directory anywhere except in the root of your directory structure.
By default is it assumed that on a Windows box that the code will be installed in a directory called c:/jdt/... and on a Unix box in your home directory etc.
Once the batch files are set as appropriate you should be able to start the JDCert application using run or run2 (run and run11 are exactly the same):
c:\jdt\cert> run2
Note that you need to be in the same directory as the data files in order for JDCert to find the questions etc. If the application starts correctly an information page should be displayed before the main application appears. For example, the main screen is displayed below:
It is a simple application to use. You can move back and forth through the questions for as long as you wish (the actual exam is time limited) until you are ready to "FINISH" the exam. It will then calculate your marks and hi-light the questions you got correct and those you got incorrect. At present little explanation is available to explain the answer - however this will be made available as soon as possible. You can retake the exam at any time using the "Restart" option.
If you wish to change between the different version of the Certification exam then you can do so form the File menu.
You can exit the application either from
the File menu or the close window control button.
{submenus} More is added to the list, but what I realy need is your help to keep
this information up-to-date and may be it needs correcting in one way
or the other. Please feel free to help me complement these question
and answers drop us an email at this
address. (C) 1998-2001, BMC88 - Personal WebSite of Java Certification