GOTO---Go to another level
GOOBERS---Restart the current level
REEN---re-enter the current level
GOGATES---Exit to dos
GOARCH---Exit current level
MAESTRO---game jukebox
CHOJIN---Woundless with weapons
TOOSAD---God mode(temp. invulnerability)
WOOF---Dog mode* Only works with Registered version*
FLYBOY---Mercury mode(flying)
BADTRIP---Shrooms mode(drunk)
BOING---Elasto mode(no friction, bounce)
SPEED---Enable autorun
PANIC---Reset everything to normal
WHACK---Hurt yourself
86ME---Kill yourself
DIMON---Light diminishing on
DIMOFF---Light diminishing off
LONDON---Fog on
NODNOL---Fog off
SHINEON---Lights on
SHINEOFF---Lights off
GOTA386---Turn textures off
GOTA486---Turn textures on