Welcome to my Photo Album
    Here are some pics that I have scattered thru-out my Jodeman's Homepage.

    Jodeman Fotos

  • Me! This is an image of me *ahem* hard at work at my desk at B&B Solutions Inc. I used the SGI IndyCam attached to the Indy on my desk sitting next to my PC to capture this picture.
  • Sleeping Beauty This is me at a party at Marcus' place. That's Tony (obscured by request) on the left & Mark on the right. (Autumn '94)
  • Young Me I've been told that this photo was taken up in the Laurentians but I'm not sure what year it was.
  • Jodeman's Pet Turtle Bought in 1985 when it was still the size of a quarter. It's now 8x7 inches and that's just the shell excluding the head & tail. We used to have a second turtle but that one passed on many years back.

    Halloween 2000

    Halloween party held up in a rented Chalet up in Chanteclair. Everyone worked hard on their costumes. The worst costume was threatened to earn a beating from the Entertainment Committee. I was dressed up as The Ladies Man.
  • Guys..
  • Gurls..
  • Wha'sappenin' Ladies?

    Jody Wong of Sydney, Australia - THIS IS NOT ME!

    Here's a photo that my Aussie namesake from Down Under sent me some time back. You know what I look like.. here's what the other Jody Wong looks like.

    Mt. Washington, July 17th, 1999

    Mt. Washington Hike This group consisted of, Buzz, Andrew, Jody, Toula, Frank and Kim.

    Lasalle High Class of '87 - Unofficial Reunion '99

    Lasalle High reunion held on the weekend of January 30-31st, 1999.

    Family Fotos

  • Wong Family Photo 1930 From left to right, my aunt.. now living in Los Angeles (my cousin Herman's mother), my grandmother holding another aunt, great-grandmother, grandfather holding my Dad, my uncle (Cousin Henry & Victor's father) and another uncle (Only known existing photo with Cousin Lip Wah's father).
  • Cousin Priscilla came to visit us from Toronto during the Christmas holidays of 1998. Here are a few photos taken during the week that she was in town.
  • Cousins - Back in Fall 1996, my cousin Lip Wah, from Hong Kong, came to Montreal for a visit. Here's a photo taken by cousin Allen. From left to right are my cousin Clifford, Joan, me, cousin Lester & cousin Terri... making a wierd face. Hmm.. she's going to kill me for putting this photo up if she ever finds out. Heh heh.. Shhh..
  • More cousins Cheers! That's Cousin Lip Wah next to Clifford (wearing the black sweater).
  • My cousin Herman also dropped by Montreal from Los Angeles, for a visit two weeks after Cousin Lip Wah's visit. From left to right, my cousin Herman, his wife, cousin Dave, me, cousin Terri, my sister Joan, Cousin Allen, cousin Lester, cousin Henry & cousin Victor.

    Montreal Dragon Boat Festival

    For lots more photos, check out my Wong's Dragon Boat Club webpage.

    Andrew's Birthday - September 1998

  • Rob has a few photos taken the afternoon of Andrew's Birthday Party up at his cottage. That's me being caught unawares from behind and thrown into the pool with all my clothes on. Brrr.. cold! (September '98)
    • Unsuspecting Standing around.. little realizing what was soon going to occur. Loitering around are Rob's friend from Toronto, Diahann, Sammy, Marie France (partially hidden behind Sammy), myself and Chris.
    • The Pool 1 Good action shot of me.. 2 seconds before gulping water.
    • The Pool 2 The aftermath.
    Thanks to Rob & Diahann for the scanned pix.

    Visit by POGO

  • Peel Pub '98 Taken at Peel Pub during a visit to Montreal by Phil (POGO) of Portland, Oregon. It was taken in June 1998 during one of his many visits to the Peel Pub in the week that he was in town. At top is Phil, sitting is Gary and that's me in the wearing the white shirt from work. In another photo provided by Phil, Gary and myself are joined by TJ.

    Ice Storm - January 1998

  • Well, I'm not really in this photo of the Massive Ice Storm that hit Montreal back in the first week of January 1998. I did take this photo to give a indication of how hard we were hit during those five long days of freezing rain. This is an aftermath shot. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos that were taken during the blackout or during the 4 previous days as I was busy scraping ice off of everything. Imagine 2 inches of ice on the driveway, an inch of ice on every tree and virtually everything else. Let's not forget about the almost half an inch of ice on every window of your car after to scrape after work every day.
  • My sister and mom wish to show you just now much ice covered the hedges.

    Halloween - 1997

  • Happy Halloween '97 Some friends from the Volleyball & Dragon Boat Team.

    Seattle - August 1995

    During my weekend in Seattle, my friend Leila took the time out to show me around Seattle. Still.. we managed to fit in a few touristy sites in a weekend of eating out, attending musicals, & shopping. Thanks for the memorable trip, Leila!

  • Space Needle Sticking out of the Seattle skyline is the Space Needle. This is Leila and myself atop the Needle. I blinked.. gotta love my good timing.
  • Farmer's Market / Pike Place Market
  • Snowquamie Falls Fans of the teevee show, Twin Peaks, would know that this is the falls located next to the lodge from the show. That's me with Leila and her friend Bob. Photo credit goes out to her friend Ray.
  • We walked past this place while shopping. I felt compelled to take a photo.

    Montreal JazzFest - July 1995

  • JazzFest Me & dad at the International Montreal JazzFest (July '95).
  • From the JazzFest photo This photo is one that I cut from the above photo. I used a script called "Photo Stack" from a Unix program called The Gimp to create the effect.
  • JazzFest2 Another photo from the day before at the same place with 2 Kay's. (July '95)

    Maine - Autumn 1994

  • Maine Trip From left to right, Franklin, anonymous, Ged & Lola's hands. I'm the one behind the camera.
  • Maine again That's Franklin on the left & Ged on the right voicing his opinions of my film wasting.
  • Wasting Film This is what happens when you leave your camera unattended and leave the room for a few minutes.

    Chientan Study Tour Fotos - July/August 1992

  • Mother House MmmmMmmm Air Conditioning.. I took this photo on a hot day that we had off before heading off on the trip East. It was taken while standing on roof of the Monestary. Pretty good photo, if I do say so myself. *ahem*
  • Group B Counsellors The Group B Counsellors got together for a rare group shot while visiting the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial.
  • The Puppy Anyone who was at Chientan for the '92 tour would no doubt remember this cutie.. and the puppy, too. *ahem* Everyone took care of him. I'll bet that he probably ate better than many of us. Heh..
  • Sun Moon Lake Hangin' around the fountain. That's Alvin & myself waiting around to board the bus & leave Sun Moon Lake.
  • Bunch of Canadians A few Canadians from Group C and A. The two groups ended up at the Aboriginal Village on the same day. I won't bother with names.. you know who you are.
  • Monkeying Around At some museum in a city which I've forgotten the name of are Selene, Arline, Dave (one of the many that I met), Deanna, (I forgot.. sorry) & me at the bottom.
  • Mongolian Barbecue Mighty tasty.. go easy on the spices, tho'.. From left to right, Jody, Jonathan (kneeling), Corey, Darwin, Eddie, Steve, Bill, John's sister Jennifer and John.
  • The Forbidden Activity At Kenting on a hot sunny afternoon in 1992 are, from left to right, David S. Shen, Selene Won, Arline Hong, Richard Chang (I think), Jody Wong (Me), Philip Joung, (Don't remember.. think it was Jenny.), Paul Chen, (Don't know.), James Yeh, Kathy Yu & Ray Han. Nine motorscooters roaring down the highway down to the Lighthouse at the most Southern Tip of Taiwan. Yup.. twas a fun afternoon..
  • At the beach Earlier that afternoon, at the beach in Kenting are, from left to right, Ronald Chen, Philip Joung, me (crouching), Paul Chen, James Yeh, Kathy Yu, Eumene Ching & fellow Canadian, Jonathan Lee.
  • Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial One of many photos taken at the CKS Memorial. From top to bottom, Jewel Ting, me, Bill Shaw, Darwin Chan, Lisa Chong & Grace Wu.