Friends & Other Strangers

I know many, many people with access to this online community. Only a surprisingly small number have put up actual webpages in this day where everyone and their grandmothers have webpages.

Some of these people that are listed below, I've never met. Unless they've sent me a photo or have one of themselves on their webpage, I have no idea what they look like. They're just a name & an e-mail address.

  • Andrei Pavlov's Family Website
    This is the website of Andrei's family.
  • Ben Wong
    He & Laura are friends of Alvin's. Hope all this mention of Alvin on my webpage doesn't go to his head.
  • Bundi Patrol Codes
    At last, a reference list put up by Buzz & Andrew.
  • Darkwing's InfoSpace
    I've never met Darwin. I used one of those online search engines to look up friends' names to see if they have e-mail addresses. Who I thought was someone I knew turned out to be someone with the same name. Cool page. Loaded with Javascripts for those with MS Internet Explorer or Netscape 2+.
  • Dave Jone
    Cousin of Jodeman. He also has a website dealing with Celine Dion News.
  • Gary Ng's Homepage
    Gary's Homepage deals with NTN, Football and other distractions. See a picture of ME!!
  • Jody Chin's Homepage
    Jody of New York. Japanimation Fanatic. I like her webpage setup.
  • Jody Wong
    Oops.. waitaminute.. that's me.
  • Jana's World (Woof Woof)
    A friend of the other Jody Wong from Down Under. Leanne's page is devoted to her beloved Jana. Jody's placed a few photos of her and her brother on the page.
  • Kat's sKrATching Post
    Alvin's Cousin who's currently studying at McGill.
  • Lasher's NTN Page
    Gary's page talks about NTN Trivia.. a popular form of Interactive Trivia played in bars across North America & in South Africa.
  • Lasher's Page of Trivial Distractions
  • Rob Sancho
    Diahann's brother, put up this page of photos taken back in early September '98 at a birthday gathering at Andrew's cottage. That's me being thrown into the water. The rest of his website, The Babylon Project is devoted to the TeeVee show, Babylon 5.
  • The Sancho Family Homepage
    Rob also put up this website for his family. It includes many nice photos of Diahann & Chris' wedding.
  • Twilight Homepage
    John's page is devoted to diehard users of the Tandy Color Computer. He still runs Twilight BBS off a CoCo. Who needs Pentiums, eh?
  • Henry Wong
    My cousin Henry's page.
  • Ken Kerouac
    Someone from way back in my High School Days...
  • Victor Wong
    My cousin Victor's page has some cool animated GIFs. Funny guy..
  • Vitality Services
    Vince's page is a business site. Need a shiatsu massage, nutritional consulting or an onsite massage? In the greater Montreal area, contact him for a price quote.
Cool Pages I've Come Across

I don't know any of these people but they have cool webpages which I recommend that are well worth taking the time to check out. Some websites below, I found through the others. If you visit one, you may encounter some of the others.

Know of a cool webpage that I can add to the above list, let me know.
Last updated: March 11th, 2002.