Anidogs.gif - A small animated greyhound - 12k
AniGirl.gif - Girl morphing into frog - 15k
AnimGolf.gif - A lemming playing golf? - 21k
Arty.gif - Nice arty pictures changing - 33k
Arrow3.gif - Coloured Arrow - 5k
Beat.gif - A beating heart
Beavis.gif - A picture of Keef (only kidding!) - 3k
Blob-cube.gif - A soft chewy cube - 16k
Blob-three.gif - 3 spheres joined - 14k
Blob-torus.gif - A red donut - 10k
Blue-red.gif - Red sphere with Blue squares - 10k
Bulb.gif - A flashing light bulb - 6k
Cheetah.gif - A running cheetah - 7k
ColorBar.gif - A colourful separator bar - 4k
Doom.gif - Recognise this guy? - 4k
Doom2.gif - What about this guy? - 11k
DoorIn2.gif - Arrow going through - 4k
Elk6.gif - Cool cartoon Elk! Excellent - 19k
GoGoRad.gif - A Scanning RADAR - 9k
GoldenCD.gif - A spinning CD! - 13k
Heart.gif - A simple beating heart - 2k
Heart2.gif - Another heart - 2k
HeyAni.gif - HEY YOU! - 5k
Homer2.gif - Everyone's favourite guy! - 6k
Jazzand2.gif - A walking duck! - 5k
Lips.gif - Kissy Kissy! - 7k
N.gif - A rotating 'n' - Hmmm. Really useful - 26k
Netscap.gif - The Netscape ship's wheel - 2k
New.gif - Grab attention with this one! - 4k
Odometer.gif - Fool your homepage visitors with this WEB-COUNTER! - 22k
Peep.gif - Who's spying through my keyhole? - 20k
Planet-blue.gif - A spinning Earth-type planet half in shadow - 15k
Planet-red.gif - Same as above, but much more Mars like - 15k
Punchy3.gif - A punching fist! - 4k
RD_Star.gif - A Red Star - 2k
RedRings.gif - Spinning raytraced rings - COOL - 37k
Red_Lamp.gif - Flashing warning lamp - Down Periscope! - 12k
Ring.gif - A ring of arrows - COOL - 33k
RnbwRule.gif - A rainbow separator - 31k
Smallworld.gif - A small planet Earth - 15k
Spike.gif - A strange blue 6-pointed spike - done in 3d Studio - 15k
Spotting.gif - Dancing Spot - COOL! - 2k
StarDst.gif - A casino, I think - 23k
Star_Ani.gif - Another star - 5k
Sunset.gif - Johnny Castaway must have been rescued! - 17k
Surfdude.gif - Right on dude! Surf's up! - 19k
TalkSmile.gif - Acieeeeeeed! - 1k
Tiger.gif - EXCELLENT Digitised Tiger - The best - 40k
Twirl.gif - Swirling spirally thingymajig - 11k