[Lily Pad]

*Note: This webpage is totally outdated. Though, it does capture the beginning stages of my webdesign during my sophomore year in college. (10/16/2002)

This FAQ is not necessarily accurate, but it's as close as you can get. [faq]

I'm a sophomore at the University of Texas at Austin pursuing a BS in Computer Science. Check out the Computer Science Department. [UT-Austin]

One summer I worked as a teacher at ACE computer camp. Check out their website. I worked at the Bryn Mawr and the Rice camp site. Here are pictures from ACE camp. [ace]

PIcTuRes oF Mia FaMigLia.
My sister Alice's company: WorldCom
[Family Pictures]

These are pictures of my friends. Check them out, you might know them. After all, it's a small world. [Friends Pictures]

Even though I've never met her or went to her concert, Bjork is still my favorite. [Bjork Page]

Here goes YET another tough semester... CS336, CS328, AND LIN340!!!
fall '98 class list.
[class schedule fall '98]




School &


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Last updated : 12:26 PM 6/11/98

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