Temporary Home Page while new site is under construction

[Plugins] [Tutorials] [Images and Animations]

Howdy, this site is somewhat ancient - It was originally built back in 1996, has been through 2-3 facelifts, then corrupted by some technical hosting issues when Yahoo took over geocities. Now it remains as this remanent of bits and pieces, only just hanging on since geocities now decided to start deleting sites with little update activity. (I think the 'free web site community' era is coming to an end, sadly).

Luckily, I also have another, more current website that contains more LW related plugins, images and animations right here : Kevman3D.

Anyway, just so you don't come into yet another 'Under Construction' page, here are some links to content that still resides here...


[VIDEO - 415kb] Wazzat Noise?!
Robot spins around to see what that noise was, raises his gun, then clenches his fist... Just a test - A little slow in places, but hey, he's made of solid metal - What can you expect! :-) You'll need DivX codec to play this AVI file. You can download the DivX codec here

[VIDEO - 636kb] Malfunction! Malfunction!
Poor old robot - A bit of a short in the works knocks him to his knees! :)You'll need DivX codec to play this AVI file. You can download the DivX codec here

[VIDEO - 530kb] Gordon Walk Cycle
My second attempt at improving animation of one of my own 3D models in LightWave. I rendered the character spinning so that the motion from all angles can be seen - Bobbing head, floppy feet, swaying hips... There's a lot of movement here... Though the hands still need work! :-) You'll need DivX codec to play this AVI file. You can download the DivX codec here

[VIDEO - 207kb] Bone/IK drop and bounce
IK/Bones test - This one I did using the Oscillator modifier on the root bone, then hand animated the arms to flop about a bit... Well, its a bit of fun really! The grid effect on the render was generated by 6.5b - Running in the new 'demo mode' cause I forgot to plug in my dongle before powering up... You'll need DivX codec to play this AVI file. You can download the DivX codec here

[IMAGE] Spherical Sky Map
A cloud sphere image map generated with the Excellent SkyGen and Special Projection renderer - Two free and excellent tools for LightWave!

[IMAGE] Mountain in shadows
1-polygon Mountain! That's right - A subdivision surface with applied displacement, based on a cool little tutorial from Newtek. I played with textures, lighting etc to create this small example that I shared as a tutorial with the NZ Lightwave User Group...

And that's it for now... New site coming soon (I promise!) with a LOT more stuff! :)


The plugins are back online! All plugins were developed for LightWave 5.x, so its VERY likely that these will not work in 6.x at all - You download and user these plugins at your own risk...

Once the new web site is back online, I will be making the source code available for anyone wanting to mingle about with them! Please don't ask for 6.x versions as I really haven't got much time to do this at the moment - Perhaps in the future?

20-Apr-2001 : LATEST UPDATE!
One user has notified me that apparently the Intel Video lines and Lampy plugins have worked successfully in his LightWave 6.5 installation! Waddayaknow, miracles DO happen!

Lampy Transluceny shader
Shader plugin, flexible transluceny
effects using lights!
Image Processor
Create custom 3x3 image filters
or select some predefined ones
such as emboss, soften, etc
Head-up Display
Creates animated heads-up display
over your rendered image with radars,
blinking lights, target, etc
Video Lines
Applies video lines over the
top of your rendered image...
Video Effects Mixer
Add in static or old black-and-white
film effects on top of your renders...
Always a bit of fun!


Lightwave 6.5 - Motion Designer 2 Particle collector
Ok, so its not really a tutorial, but more a MD2 project for your dissection pleasure, where a bunch of particles drop and are collected in a cloth before being tipped out. The MPEG animation (529kb) has been removed after several mentions from Geocities that I was exceeding the free site bandwidth quota (3Gb), however the scene/files can still be downloaded here. I promise, one of these days, to write this up in more detail!

Lightwave 6.5 - Fixed Front Projection Mapping
A quick and easy introduction to fixed front projection mapping using Lightwave 6.5 - This introduces you to how I used a flat photograph to create a 3D model of my front door!

Lightwave 6.0 - Expressions tutorial (Making a ticking clock)
Introduction to using Expressions in Lightwave 6.0 - Expressions allow you to create mathematical expressions that automate animation in Lightwave. This tutorial shows you exactly how EASY it really is to get started!

Lightwave 6.0 - Expressions tutorial (Rolling a wheel)
With a lot of discussion going on in the various newsgroups and Lightwave Mailing list about how to automate a wheel on a car, I decided to take a go and came up with this tutorial that shows you how to calculate the rotation of a wheel based on the movement of a car.

Lightwave 6.0 - ChannelFollower tutorial (Aiming a gun at a moving target)
ChannelFollower is just one of the very cool plugins in Lightwave that help automate animation by allowing a channel to follow (or copy the same settings) as another. This tutorial is a bit, eh, incorrect in the way it applies and discusses Channelfollower (since I didn't really know what I was doing when I started to play with it! Doh!) but still works...

Lightwave 5.6 - Intro to Lightwave Modeler (Building a spaceship)
A PDF file, part 1 in a series of beginner tutorials I started to develop, however really lost time and enthusiasm in. This is an intro for the complete new user to Lightwave 5.6's modeler, including modelling, setting up surfacing and using metanurbs.

Lightwave 5.6 - Making a skywarp box into a spherical skymap
In most cases, creating and using Skytracer's Skywarp image mapped cube is sufficient for most purposes, but in some circumstances it doesn't quite work. This tutorial shows a simple trick to convert that cube into a sphere!

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