DECLARE SUB initcol (a&, b&) DEFINT A-Z SCREEN 13 bigx = 20 bigy = 12 initcol 256, 65536 FOR startx = 0 TO bigx - 1 stopx = startx + ((bigx * 16) - 1) FOR starty = 0 TO bigy - 1 stopy = starty + ((bigy * 16) - 1) FOR x% = startx TO stopx STEP bigx FOR y% = starty TO stopy STEP bigy PSET (x%, y%), c% c% = (c% + 1) MOD 256 FOR delay = 1 TO INT(40000 / (bigx * bigy)) NEXT delay NEXT y% NEXT x% NEXT starty NEXT startx DO initcol 256, 1 initcol 65536, 1 initcol 65536, 256 initcol 1, 256 initcol 1, 65536 initcol 256, 65536 LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" SUB initcol (a&, b&) FOR x% = 0 TO 63 STEP 4 FOR y% = 0 TO 63 STEP 4 PALETTE c%, a& * x% + b& * y% c% = (c% + 1) MOD 256 IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN END NEXT y% NEXT x% END SUB