Continuous Devaluation of Real Wage

The current rise of petroleum prices in the Philippines has devaluated the worth of real wage. Unilaterally, it affected the life of the majority of the filipino people. For the ruling class, this rate of ascent is but a drop in the bucket but for the poor majority, its a matter of life and death. An increase in wage is a viable remedy to cope up with the increase of cost of living which emanated from the rise of petroleum. Without this counter action, the urban poor who merely subsists on a daily basis will have to shoulder more weight just to survive..
Since the state is systematically ran by the capitalists and politicians, total control of the economy and the government is harnessed. in order to maintain the capitalists level of profit, while the poor majority tighten the belt to subsist.
History repeats itself. These has been the economic trend prevailing in the Philippines from the Marcos regime up until the present administration. For thirty five years now, the same issue has been hurting the people back and forth..
How long will the filipino people allow itself to be deceived and lied to by its elected leaders who's only goal is to enriched themselves (as they are themselves capitalists) while running a government office? When are we going to learn ever? In another thirty years? In his vain attemp to save face and wash hands, President Estrada unleashes series of propaganda press statement aimed at personifying an image of a "mass oriented" leader. In reality, he is just another capitalist who tends to make profit out of the peoples trust. Another Marcos on a sheeps clothing.
A rise in workers wage would alternately provoke the rise of commodities prices. As capitalists would not allow their profit to dwindle by increasing the workers wage out of their investments return. In lieu, prices of their produce will be raised to compensate for the wage increase. Eventually this trade will affect the law of supply and demand. With prices of these commodities soaring up, competition among small businesses against giant capitalists will heat up and these small businesses will succumb while the former flourish. Either way the capitalists wins while poor people suffer. This is a fact in the Philippines just as it is in Europe and North America.


Administrations Dwindling Popularity


After two years in power, the country has undergone tumultuous devaluations and political crisis. Philippines has not moved from where it was before the administrations term. Althou the government boasted economic progress under its administration, matter of fact or not, the affect of this is hardly felt and is so minute - not worthy of praise nor publication. Dollar rised into un-precedented rate, real wage devaluated, crime, corruption within the government continued, poverty remained unchanged. To sum it all, all of his presidential campaign slogan and false promises are showing its true meaning now. The administrations incompetence to guide its people to the right path to progress and prosperity.
Resulting from these is the dwindling of the presidents popularity and faith of the people who mistakenly voted his administration. A drop of 21% rate in three months is considerably huge in a span of two year term. This is due to these circumstances that afflicted the people since the outset of his term. The constitutional amendment thats being spearheaded by the administration also contributed to his downfall. Opposition from the catholic church also rallied the middle class against the administration. It is evidently clear how Estrada treads on the same path as the Marcos'. After all he himself is a part of the oppressive US-Marcos regime under which we have suffered for two decades.





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