Hello, and welcome to WebHelp!
Navigate Here! 
    To the Left of your screen, as you notice, are links through this page.   
    Just click them to navigate through this page.

Back/Forward Buttons  
Background Color Change 
    Thanks to Geocities for the webspace. And to Carl for allowing me to use his background.
Background Music
Browser Verify 

    ©1997 by: Clayton Cole & Carl Rodabaugh   
    Click here to sponser this page
Form 3.12   
HTML+ Colors
    Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook Guestbook by Lpage
Image Maps   
In/Out Fades
Jump Box
*Jump Buttons
    These links are now in alphabetical order! Hope you enjoy the trouble I went through to do this, and if not well thanks for 
    wasting my time :) I'm also considering to get my other pages
    here redesigned like this one, including the links along the side
    as well.
Marquee Scroll Name Storage 
    Each page should also have it's listing in the links, in the same spot as it is here, but it won't be a link, just a yellow color text over black. If you know of anything else which I may do to my page,
New Window  
*Page Change 
Tell a friend about this site!
Personal Counter 
Pop Up Menu's 
Sideline Background 
Sound Control  
    Tell a friend about us, and help our community grow. We would greatly appreciate it if you let others know about us here.  
    We are still a small community here on the 'net but just maybe we can grow to be one of the net's top rated webpage's to help beginner's and advanced webmasters. 
    But until then just spare with us and hope,  that maybe one day it might happen 
Text Color
    Friends Pages: Kevin, Carl, Katie, Walt, Andrea, JennayJoe,  ToddManda, And Jamison
    If you have comments or suggestions, email me at zerion@hotmail.com
    If Not, Then Keep your comments :)

    This page best viewed with Netscape and at least 800x600 with 16 bit color. This page was written with Notepad.

    This page last updated: Saturday July 31, 1998   
    At 4:17 P.M. Awefully Detailed ain't We :)-

Email: zerion@hotmail.com ICQ: 1315366
ICQ's Webpanel for WebHelp: 1315366 
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