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“СофтМаркет” №20 от 21 июля 1997 г. “В тесноте, да не
в обиде” Юлия Автономова.
- Журнал “СофтМаркет” №41 от 15 декабря 1997 г.
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Archive Compare Test”:
- Frequency Asked Quention: Compression.
Homepage of professor Charles Bloom of University of Texas at Austin:
- “Data Compression with the Burrows-Wheeler Transform“ by Mark Nelson, Dr. Dobb's
Journal, September, 1996
- Bell T.C. 1989. Longest match string searching for Ziv-Lempel compression. Res.
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- Cormack G.V. and Horspool R.N. 1984. Algorithms for adaptive Huffman codes.
Inf.Process.Lett. 18,3(Mar.), 159-166.
- Faller N. 1973. An adaptive system for data compression. Record of the 7th Asilomar
Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA,
- Gallager R.G. 1978. Variations on a theme by Huffman. IEEE Trans.Inf.Theory IT-24,
- Gottlieb D., Hagerth S.A., Lehot P.G.H. and Rabinowitz H.S. 1975. A classification of
compression methods and their usefulness for a large data processing center. National
Comput.Conf. 44. 453-458.
- Helman D.R. and Langdon G.G. 1988. Data compression. IEEE Potentials (Feb.),25-28.
- Huffman D.A. 1952. A method for the construction of minimum redundancy codes. In
Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Radio Engineers 40,9(Sept.),pp.1098-1101.
- Knuth D.E. 1973. The Art of Computer Programming. Vol.2, Sorting
and Searching. Addison-Wesley, Reading,MA.
- Knuth D.E. 1985. Dynamic Huffman coding. J.Algorithms 6,163-180.
- Langdon G.G. 1983. A note on the Ziv-Lempel model dor compressing individual sequences.
IEEE Trans.Inf.Theory IT-29, 2(Mar.),284-287.
- Langdon G.G. 1984. An introduction to arithmetic coding. IBM J.Res.Dev.
- Lelewer D.A. and Hirschberg D.S. 1987. Data compression. Comput.Surv.
- Lempel A. and Ziv J.1976. On the complexity of finite sequences. IEEE Trans.Inf.Theory
- Lynch T.J. 1985. Data Compression - Techniques and Application. Lifetime Learning
Publications, Belmont, CA.
- Moffat A. 1988a. A data structure for arithmetic encoding on large alphabets. In
Proceeding of the 11th Australian Computer Science Conference.
- Ozeki K. 1974a. Optimal encoding of linguistic information. Systems, Computers, Controls
5, 3, 96-103. Translated from Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol.57-D,No.6,June 1974,
- Ryabko B.Y. 1980. Data compression by means of a "book stack". Problemy
Peredachi Informatsii 16,4.
- Schieber W.D. and Thomas G.W. 1971. An algorithm for compaction of alphanumeric data.
J.Library Automation 4,198-206.
- Schuegraf E.J. and Heaps H.S. 1973. Selection of equifrequent word fragments for
information retrieval. Inf.Storage Retrieval 9,697-711.
- Shannon C.E. 1948. A mathematical theory of communication. Bell
- Shannon C.E. 1951. Prediction and entropy of printed English. Bell
- Snyderman M. and Hunt B. 1970. The myriad virtues of text compaction.
- Datamation 1(Dec.),36-40.
- Storer J.A. 1977. NP-completeness results concerning data compression.
Tech.Rept.234.Dept.of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Princeton
- Storer J.A. 1988. Data Compression: Methods and Theory. Computer Science Press,
- Storer J.A. and Szymanski T.G. 1982. Data compression via textual substitution. J.ACM
- Tischer P. 1987. A modified Lempel-Ziv-Welch data compression scheme.
Aust.Comp.Sci.Commun. 9,1,262-272.
- Welch T.A. 1984. A technique for high-performance data compression. IEEE Computer
- Witten I.H., Neal R. and Cleary J.G. 1987. Arithmetic coding for data compression.
Commun.ACM 30,6(Jun.),520-540.
- Wolff J.G. 1978. Recording of natural language for economy of transmission or storage.
Comput.J. 21,1,42-44.
- Ziv J. and Lempel A. 1977. A universal algorithms for sequental data compression. IEEE
Trans.Inf.Theory IT-23,3,3(May),337-343.
- Ziv J. and Lempel A. 1978. Compression of individual sequences via variable-rate coding.
IEEE Trans.Inf.Theory IT-24,5(Sept.),530-536.
- Burrows, M. and Wheeler, D.J. (1994) "A Block-sorting Lossless Data Compression
Algorithm", Digital Systems Research Center Research Report 124,