Favourite quote:

(c) JEA 96 - Internet Friendship Really Works!... ;-)

João Emílio Almeida
IRC: jesca a.k.a. from my initials... got it?

Em português Em Português

Hi! This page has been mostly unchanged for long, since Aug/96 when I first decided to have a home page in the Net, after surfing around about a year.

This is a place I consider part of my life: my cyber-life. Saying that Net changed my life is a common place, so I won't. I'd rather say that now it's an important part of it.

(29/12/2006) Since Geocities was bought by Yahoo and became a commercial provider, with advertising and all that, losting the "old" internet free spirit (obviously impossible to mantain) I left this website unchanged and many of the things here are no longer true.

I have been working as a design engineer from 2002, mainly for Layout engineering bureau, and also my consultancy company Avantec.

Since then, most of my energy is devoted to Fire Prevention Engineering, having recently concluded my post-graduation in that field, in Coimbra University (FCTUC-DEC) also with LNEC support.

More common places:

  • Classic Cars: My primary hobby, not only my cars, but also from friends and some for sell;
  • My Volvo '64 1800S: a nice beauty and first of my collection;
  • my favourite film: Until the End of The World directed by Wim Wenders;
  • my favourite musician/composer:Michael Franks;

And if you wish send me a mail to: joao.almeida@engenheiros.pt.

João Emílio Almeida (last update: 29/12/2006)

Who am I:

My Hobbies:

Jesca's Geocities Home Page: http://come.to/jesca

I got it for free at http://come.to

Send a mail...pls!

My e-mail addresses:

João Emilio Almeida: joao.almeida@engenheiros.pt.

@ AVANTEC: jesca@avantec.net

@ Home: jesca@tvtel.pt

@ Layout: jesca@layout.pt

snail mail to:
Rua Infante D.Henrique, 47 - 1
4050 297 PORTO

(c) 1996/2006 João Emílio Almeida (last update: )