
Welcome to Zap!, video game fan! Back in the early 90's, Zap! was a bi-monthly video game newsletter I used to publish. The first issue was September, 1991. It covered mostly classic systems and computers, with some newer stuff as well. It was even reviewed in Electronic Games magazine, but that's old news by now. It was a pain to publish, and it bit the dust by early 1993. Now with technology moving on, why not make Zap! a WWW site? Well, here it is. Zap! will cover all sorts of systems and games, old and (sometimes) new, but since 80's systems are my favorites, (like games from the great era of 1987-1989), most of this page will be devoted to games from those years. I plan on reviewing lots of games, adding more links, and a top 10 best games ever list for other systems (to go along with the top 10 NES and SMS list) as well. By the way, if you want to find out my video game history, and how these games have influenced my life, then click here.

Super Mario Bros.ShinobiPhantasy StarMetroidZillionMike Tyson's Punch-Out!!

What's new on Zap!

Enter the video game land of the unknown. Strange gaming-related little bits and pieces that can't be explained or are too weird to try!

The top 10 best NES games ever.

The top 10 best SMS games ever.

Let's video game daydream a little. Imagine if...

Video game news and odds and ends I like to call tidbits.

Here are some of my favorite video game-related sites which I visit quite frequently. Check them out.

Here's my own personal list of every video game system, computer, game, magazine, and misc. video gaming related item in my entire collection. You won't believe it! :)

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Zap! has been viewed by about gamers, and was last updated on Wednesday, December 1, 1999.

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