After Home Depot I decided to retire from the retail
industry and move into the "Corporate World" and learn more about
LORAL Federal Systems (Interim Personnel), May 1995 - April 1996:
At LORAL Federal Systems, I was considered the "floater" because I
served as the backup for four other positions: the company operator, the mail clerk,
the "Education Center Coordinator", and one other administrative position. Being
"the floater" took up most of my time, being that the work load wasn't that
heavy, which left me with spare time to learn more software applications.
RUST (Office Team), April 1996 - July 1996:
At RUST, I worked, not in a fast paced environment,
but had a pretty steady workload. I was the assistant for the
Marketing Supervisor, and along with my every day administrative
duties, we had deadlines to meet on proposals as well.
New York Life (Manpower), December 1996 - May 1997: