Welcome To The Macintosh/PC Resource Page!!!!!
Last updated September 5, 2002.
The Best MAcintosh computer I have is a Power Macintosh 9600/350  It has 320 megs of Ram, and a 4 GB hard drive, and an ethernet card.  It is running MAC OS 9.2 with a 20" monitor.  SNET DSL with a linksys router.  It has a CD rom drive and a Yamaha 4x4x6 CD recorder.
My main computer in my house was a HP Pavilion until it died, so now i build my own!  Its an AMD Athlon XP 1500+ (1.33GHZ) with a 40 gb hard drive, a 24x10x40 cd burner, and a 12x dvd drive!  My main, laptop is a celeron 800 HP Pavilion N5420L, it alos has DVD.  Its A piece of shit.  I hate it, never buy one.
Read my horror story about my Dell XPI Cd Laptop!
              About Myself, or something...

My collection has grown over the years.  I now have too many computers to keep.  IT does not stop at computers either.  I collect ANY electronic thing I can get.  My biggest space problem is TVs.  I refuse to throw anything out.  I also collect lawnmowers.  Take a look at my lawnmower page which is somehwere on thsi site or go to www.geocities.com/exvtc to see it.  This sight points to the club I was in and then ended up running until it died at school.  There we skipped class, listened to the Beatles, or watched tv. (we use to have cable, but some ass with wire cutters solved that problem)  For those who care, the Beatles are the best band ever!!!!!!  I am on ebay all the time, buying crap that I collect like Digital, AST and other out of business computer brand computers.  I collect any electronics with the Zenith name on them, or have anything to do with my favorite show, The Powerpuff Girls.  This is why I have no money, or room in my house.  JUNK EVERYWHERE.  I will list some pictures if I can find any of my room, which is filled to capacity with shit.  The basement, cant do shit down there, and Mower Land.  My new hobby, fixing up old lawn tractors and driving them throught the woods.  My house would not be as full if we had an office at school, But Im out and could care less now.  Meh, too lazy to type more.
Play this game "Shit hit the fan"

Last updated September 5, 2002
Created on August 24, 1999
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