
  1. Phaistos Guestbooks - You can configure your guestbook to act and look like you want! Easy to use guestbooks manager . There's also a template collection so there's no problem in editing your guestbook.
  2. The - Free Guestbook Service in Sweden but hosted in the U.S. One problem is they have a 468 x 60 banner on top of the free guestbook accounts.
  3. - Free Guestbook accounts for webmasters.
  4. 1-2-3 Web tools - Offers Webmasters a free Guestbook account.You can also customize your guestbook, customize the - logo,colors,background, and etc.
  5. Be - Great layouts for your free guestbooks .
  6. Guestworld -  I think so far this company is the most famous free guestbook provider in the internet.
  7. Dreambook - Cool Free Guestbook service in the internet.
  8. Guestpage - Another free guestbook service in the web. One problem is they have a pop-up window showing up after going out the site.
  9. KB Guestbook Server - Use our fast connection guestbook server for a reliable & customizable guestbook.!
  10. Pergatory II: Guestbook Server - You can try the guestbook for free for 30 days and if you decide to stay on for a one time fee of $10, you get a free counter as well.