Visual Basic by Example
A resource for Fairfax County Adult Education classes 1493 and 1494
by Brent P. Newhall,

You might want to read a bit about this website's purpose.

Course-related resources:

Introduction to Visual Basic Syllabus -- The syllabus includes links to all my lecture notes and all the programs. Here's where to go to learn VB!

Visual Basic: Level II Syllabus -- Covering more advanced topics, also with links to all my notes and programs.

Project 1: Colony -- This course-long project for Introduction to Visual Basic is highly recommended (though it isn't required), challenging you to write a program according to detailed specifications.

Project 2: Front Desk -- This is the course-length project for Visual Basic: Level II.

What's New -- What's been updated lately on this site. (5/17/98)

Downloads -- Get copies of project solutions and some miscellaneous programs I've written.

Versions -- What are the differences between the Learning, Professional, and Enterprise Editions? What's changed in version 5.0? Find out here.

No Experience Required -- The website for the class textbook, Visual Basic 5: No experience required. Includes code for the larger example programs in the book, VB-related links (I've listed the really good ones here), and even resources for getting a job in VB programming.

Good Visual Basic links:

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