OS/390 Security

This page last updated Monday, August 23, 1999.


It's been a year.  I appreciate that you are willing to return.  I will be putting up new material quite soon -- by September 15th, 1999, PROMISE!!

YOU FOUND ME!  I've moved (but www.pobox.com/~mhahnbe) still works!  You should change the "register" page.

I have been with IBM Global Services for over a year now.  This year I have done maybe two flights.  Feel like a bird with clipped wings.  But a steady contract in the local area is something, no?

Upcoming dates:

December 31, 1999 New Years!  Not much planned before that!
August 1999 OS/390 Release 8 goes GA - and Release 9 is announced


I'll be updating this with some of my digital photography soon.  Give me a bit of time, okay?

For a closer look at the personal me, check out my personal interests page.   Nothing terribly revealing, just a closer look at what makes me tick.

Where did the 'be' at the end of your userid come from? Why is it mhahnbe and not just mhahn?


Here are web reprints of some of my articles.  Recaps and links are available.  **Some of you have reported problems with the articles; I'll be getting them fixed in the next few weeks.  I hope you return [8/23/1999]**


These are PC technical links and resources.  Not to be confused with the Professional section (above, covering mainframe security and audit) -- these are PC based items of interest.


Things you may find useful on the Web.  Not so much technical information, but more a case of useful web services, for example my ISP (NETCOM).


If all you want to know is techno-stuff -- ignore this link!


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