Kostya Sebov: Professional Content


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From the Author!

Dear Colleagues!

Well, at least I'm no longer actively looking for job. After almost 4 months of being unemployed I could find the job I really enjoy in most aspects. Unfortunately it's still unknown small start-up company so you cannot learn more about it anywhere on the Web. However, I sincerely hope soon you'll hear about it since the ideas this company was built upon cannot just disappear unnoticed! Of course you're free to check out my employee information section.

Although I currently work with speech-oriented stuff my excitement about 3D computer graphics didn't go away. In fact I even managed to find the opportunity with Okino Computer Graphics, where I work part-time (actually on evenings and sometimes weekends). It's a great chance for me to get myself back to this community, with which as you might know I used to be pretty much associated with when I was a student.

If you happen to be at the meeting of the SIGGRAPH Toronto professional chapter you will also be likely to find myself there. I'm trying to read and learn as much as possible to bring myself back in 3D shape :-) and hope to become really top-level professional in this area.

As usual, If you have something to share, some advice or just a consideration you believe is important I'd appreciate it very much.

Good luck!
Kostya Sebov.

Samples I wrote

Employee Information

Telum Technologies Canada (PAS Systems)

Job title
Software Engineer

Key responsibilities
System-level programming support for research in phoneme-oriented speech technology. The company develops a unique set of solutions based on the phoneme-oriented speech technologies. My responsibilities mostly include development of the Windows application that provides common benchmarking environment for various engine implementations. The app also serves the demonstration purposes.

All the work is Microsoft SAPI-related, which means both the speech engines and the client apps are 'glued' together by the set COM interfaces specified in the SAPI SDK. Unfortunately this doesn't always work in the context we need so in such cases my responsibility is to find the work-around. I also wrote 90% of the C++ framework for the text synthesis engine and hope to be able to write the one for the recognition as well (much more complicated task).

My job also includes writing technical specifications (particularly API's), research guidelines and and working together with the other key people to define the priorities for the future development.

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CopyrightŠ1997-1999 Kostya Sebov.
Last revised: March 23, 1999.