BUGz ....
* Reported sighting *
No, it's true; this is one of the bugs. You just see XYZ co-ordinates, and nothing else.

Do you know what it's like, to be in the middle of a fire-fight, a fragfest, you're zooming in for the virtual kill, or maybe just about to land that final shot, .... when all of a sudden you just see this damn thing? It's just too much. It's extremely distracting. It's enough to make you just stop dead and STARE. (And then boom yer dead..)

I normally just stop whatever the hell I'm doing and just follow it. And that can mean I might be in the middle of a fragfight. It's just... too goddamn much.

I manged to get a screenshot. Lookee there!! ( you think he's facing the wall? ROFL!!)

I killed it once, too. All you see is a weapon appear. Once I even got a rocket launcher, and a plasma gun, my fave!!

The first time I tried to get a screenshot, it disconnected.

The only place I saw these for a while was in Q3test1...
Then one of the buggers (take the pun if you want and go to town with it) showed up in Q3test2.

I announced, "Look! There's a naked polygon running around with no model on it !!"

Someone said, "Oh, you see it too?" so I replied to him, "O.K. I thought it was just me."
" I've seen them before on other servers," he told me.
I said, "Yeah, just the xyz co-orodinates" Figuring some people might not understand that, I added, "Just the three lines."
"Yeah. weird, huh?"
"ID says it's a bug."
"Someone messing with the skin, maybe?" he suggested.
"Maybe. I dunno."

And you don't even SEE who it is if you have the "identify target" on, which normally displays their name ....

"Hey, their name isn't showing up" I said.
"Hey, the guy with the three lines and no name. Yo." the other guy typed in.

It only shows up when they disconnect.

"Hey, his name was 'Ballshmasher/Vd2' . It showed up when he disconnected !" I happily announced. "It showed up in the console."
"Hehe." Was the response I got.

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