Final Year Project

ETS3012 Project I

Name of Supervisor: Professor Satya Prasad Majumder.
Department: Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University.
Session: 2000/2001.
Title of Project: Design and Development of a Direct Detection Optical Trans-Receiver.
Objective of the Project: To design and implement a fibre optic trans-receiver with intensity modulation and direct detection.
Description of the Project:
Fibre optic trans-receivers (transmitter and receiver module) are to be designed and fabricated for transmission of intensity modulated analog and digital signals. The transmitter will be designed to modulate a laser diode with intensity modulation at a bit rate of 100Mbits/sec. The receiver will be direct detection type with an APD.

Personal Comments:
Prof. Satya Prasad Majumder is a foreign lecturer (from India) currently attached to the Multimedia University. Prior to this, he has taught me two subjects, namely ECT2022-Circuit and Signals and EPM2022 Instrumentation and Control Systems. Personally, I feel that Prof. Satya is an experienced and knowledgable academician. He is also very helpful and friendly towards students. I am sure that with his guidance and under his tutelage, I will gain much knowledge and experience in the field of optical communications. It is an honour to be able to work and learn from Prof. Satya.

The main reason why I decided to select this topic for my final year project is because opto-electronics is an interesting field. I particularly, am very interested in optical communications and optical fibres. Also, this topic is more hardware-based, which would enable me to gain some "hands-on" experience. The main areas covered in this topic are as follows:

Current State of Progress: Theory and background research.
Project Day Meeting with Prof. Satya: Every Wednesdays.
Note: I currently conduct my project research on every Wednesdays (as recommended and allocated by the university).