Welcome to the All New Home Page of Adam Millard

This page has been visited times since February 20th, 1996.

For those of you who recognize this page, it was originally found at Susquehanna University. I have since graduated however, and now call Geocities my new home. The page itself is and always has been pretty simple. I could make it fancy, but I can't stand visiting someone else's page and waiting five minutes for a large picture or some Java applet to load, so I've kept the page clean and simple (the most complicated thing you'll find is a small image map). In this page you will find, among other things, stuff about me, my resume (it's worth a look), links on emulation, sports, and shareware to name a few. So, have a look around and let me know what you think, and this page looks best in 800 x 600 with 65K colors (although 640 x 480 with 256 colors will do). Finally, yes, that's me in the upper left hand corner.

Care to visit the web site of the 1996 world champions of baseball? Click the picture to do so.
Looking for one of the top Windows 95 shareware and support pages? Try this one.
I am currently employed, but I always like to keep my options open. Feel free to look at my resume.
Looking for a good investment site? You'll need Internet Explorer 3.02 or greater to find out.


I support these two organizations without reserve; one because I am a member in good standing, the other because I do not believe in Internet censorship.

All the links you know and love are still here, just take a look below...

Various useful commercial sites

  1. F-Prot 3.04a Anti-Virus software for DOS
  2. The WinZip Homepage
  3. Jumbo! (more share and freeware then you'll ever need--but want anyway)
  4. Shareware.com (like the name says, shareware here)
  5. Oakland University Software Repository
  6. HAVS Anti-Virus software site (all the latest in virus protection)
  7. The College and Universities Address List
  8. Digital Nostalgia (all those games we played as kids ported to the PC)
  9. The Official Don Mattingly Homepage
  10. Mod Mecca
  11. The Red Green Show

Software that I've written (and it's free)

  1. Mini C Compiler

Papers for CSE 584:

  1. Thoughts on software design
  2. Thoughts on software evolution
  3. Thoughts on requirements and specifications
  4. Thoughts on software tools

Other pages on this site:

  1. Famous sayings
  2. Emulation Links
  3. Why Operating Systems are like airlines
  4. My college entrance exam and reply
  5. Real Apple MPW C compiler error messages
  6. High tech computer sales jargon
  7. Strange sayings
  8. The best of the worst country western song titles
This page was last modified on May 21st, 1999

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