Paul's Home Page

(My home when I'm home.)

My hardware recommendations for October, 2003 are here.

SPECIAL WARNING: The Spida SQL Virus is attacking home computers. Click here for a list of infected systems that have attempted to contact my home computer. If your system is on the list, please fix it.

This is my HOME page. I build business applications for pay, so much of my creativity is used there. This site is my personal spot on the web, where I practice web techniques and store information about internet programming and other interests.

I do project based computer consultant work, specializing in Lotus Notes. I have been an enterprise-level administrator, have developed applications using advanced LotusScript and Java, and have built intranets for major companies such as GM.

I am a:
R4 Principal Lotus Certified Professional Developer
R4 Principal Lotus Certified Professional, and
R5 Principal Lotus Certified Professional Developer.
R5 Principal Lotus Certified Professional Administrator.

I have incorporated Scalor Inc. to sell CODA(tm), a portal and web development platform. See the corporate web site.

For the (almost) latest list of certifications and completed projects, my resume is available online.

Have you been to ZDNet's Browser Speed Test?

Check out:

Web Development
Reference area for information that I could
not find elsewhere, or need frequently.
Star Wars Rebellion
Computer strategy game
(Mine, my jobs, other stuff)

(history of my cars,
including 1997 Hyundai Tiburon,
does not yet include 1999 Pontiac Firebird TransAm)
The Arts
(Music and other stuff)
About My Site
(includes Site Map)

WARNING: This site uses frames everywhere, and client-side JavaScript for navigation in the About and Cars areas. If you have difficulties, please read the About page. If you still have difficulties, please upgrade your browser.

I had many visitors since I added the counter (DEC 97). Yahoo Geocities removed the counter for me so I wouldn't be embarrassed by the low hit count.

Geocities File Manager