How to put up a WEB Cam for under $100!

I am making the assumption that since you are reading this from the WEB that you already have a PC and an internet connection.

  1. First, you must establish a WEB Site so everyone can see your new WEB Cam. There are several places that provide FREE WEB Sites such as GEOCITIES.
  2. Second, purchase a digital camera that will save pictures in real time to your hard drive, such as a QuickCam. A good cheap source for these cameras is Egghead’s Surplus Direct and Surplus Auction. If you shop carefully, you can easily pick up a camera for under $50.00 including shipping! A product such as SNAPPY will also work with video sources, but is slightly more expensive.
  3. Now you need a way to get your image to your WEB Site. I recommend WS_FTP PRO from IPSWITCH. It is $37.50 to purchase the product, but it includes a scripting utility that makes FTP file transfers a snap. You will also need some sort of scheduling software to initiate periodic file transfers. There are several good freeware products available on the WEB.
  4. All of the pieces are now in place. Set up your camera to take a picture periodically and have it save to a static file name (overwrite the same file each time.) Schedule the FTP software to transfer the file at intervals via your internet connection. This may require a new dial-up connection each time depending on your situation. It is easier if you have unlimited connection time and can keep the connection active all day. This should be available for about $15.00/mo in most areas.
  5. I can be reached for minor assistance if you e-mail me.

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