How to cut down a tree.

Mike demonstrates why women live longer than men.

The wind brought down a tree into our neighbor's yard. After renting a saw and cutting up the top and carting it away, I thought I'd try getting the rest down. The stalk of a tree trunk was about 15 feet taller than my 24 foot ladder. This made the job difficult....

First you have to put a rope up really high.

Really, really high.


Then you need to tie yourself off so you can lean out from the first tree far enough to allow holding the saw against the other tree. Better test it first without the saw.

Yes, Jake put on a rain coat due to the sudden onset of rain.


Good thing he tested the tie off thingy first!

Man, holding up that saw is hard, better have a rest.

    Wow, that notch cut isn't even close. Probably because he can't see what he is doing while leaning out that far over.


Well some how the top came down and no one got hurt. The rest should be a piece cake. Just need to find someone to push on it with a long 2x4...

Yeah, that bicycle helment is going to be a big help if that log fall on him.


All done!