This page will consist of links that you may find helpful dealing with computers, news concerning computers, tips on operating your computer, and a small introduction to computers for NOVICE users.
I also hope to have some guidlines for individuals that are looking to purchase their first computer, and upgrading your existing system. If you have any suggestions as to what you would like to see on this page, just email me I would be greatful for any suggestions you may have..
If you are not fimilar with computers and feel uncomfortable around
them this page may help. The page covers some of the basics and terminology.
There is also a form for you to give me some feedback. If there are any
questions I can answer or anything that you would like added please let
me know.
If you are looking at purchasing your first computer you might find some
helpful hints on this page. The page explains the pros and cons to name brand
PCs and clone PCs. What are the important critiria when purchasing your computer
and what is NOT critical.
The troubleshooting page will have some tips if you run into problems with your
computer you might find some helpful ideas here. I will also respond to some
popular problems that you ask me about here. If you have a problem that you
are having difficulty in resolving let me know and I will do what I can.
Here are some LINKS to some of the major computer system and printer companies', computer component companies', and software developement companies' home web pages. I also listed a couple of good web sites for shareware & Freeware programs.
Here are some of the major computer companies home pages. If you have any products from these companies you can find support, update on products, information on new products, and new drivers for you equipment here:
Here is the main companies that produce multi-media components, game hardware components, and two of the main modem producers. You can find support, upgrades, and new information on these products.
Here are the links to some of the commercial software developing companies's home pages. You can find support, updates of new versions, program bug fixes, and news on new programs these companies are developing at these links.
The two sites listed below are excellent places to find good quaility shareware and freeware programs. Both sites set a high standard for the programs to be available at their site, both sites also have programs for both the PC and the Macintosh computers. When looking for a new program, I recommend checking these sites out first.
Where to from here:
Back to Index page: To Personal Introduction page: Or the Internet page.