- No offensive, vulgar, or harassing language will be tolerated in public
rooms or in shouts.
- No multiple accounts are allowed. If you have multiple accounts, or
know of someone who does, please bring it to the wizzes' attention. If you
are caught having multiple accounts, all of your accounts may be deleted
without prior notification.
- No spamming or excessive shouting will be allowed. "Excessive shouting"
occurs when there is so much shouting that it interferes with normal
conversation. It is up to wizzes to decide when this happens. Excessive
shouters will be given a warning, and if they continue they will be
- If you are having a problem with another user, please try to work it
out with them first. If the problem persists, THEN bring it to a wiz's
attention. If you have a problem with a wiz, notify Jeff or Jac.
- Harassment of any user will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
These offenders will be dealt with very harshly.
- Do NOT ask for promotions above Citizen. Any requests will only reduce
your chances of being promoted.
- Please don't come on trying to convince people to go to another talker.
The proper thing to do is post a message on the portal board and to smail
a God to get your talker added to the list. (.help talkers)
- Most importantly, Have Fun!