Join in for memories of the past,
Re-establish acquaintances in the present,
Help plan activities for the future.

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More DPIers sign in.  More email addresses.  Renew lost aquaintences.
Note those giving links to their own pages.

Geocities has made more changes to their Guest Book section. It will now hold a maximum of 45 entries. I will try to keep watch so I can keep it from overflowing.
Click on the year for past entries - 2005 2004  2003 2002 2001 2000  1999 1998
VISIT COUNTER (This counter started on 6-6-97)
Geocities has made an unfortunate change to their counter. Up to now, the counter would increment only once per session. Now it increments every time you access this home page, whether merely refreshing or passing through the page to go to another. Sorry about the decision they made which will skew the information. But it will look like we are really popular!!

Want to send an email to the web site Sysop, Webmaster, (the new kid on the block - not ready to be replaced). Click here.

Newest additions listed here

Click on the description on the left side of the table for a visit

Click here for

Emile's restaurant
open under new owner
Emile has retired

Deceased list

Mabel Kenoyer
died on November 14, 2006
Worked for DPI the longest of anyone

Deceased list

Gene Hamby
died on October 20. 2006


Stan Moraniec
died on February 24, 2006

See the details

We have published authors
among us. Check out these titles

Click Here

Hurricane Katrina/Rita Emails
2005 Latest as of 1/14/06

The List

Email List as of 2/6/09
is yours correct?
The most recent changes are dated.

Click here
to see list

Email addresses that no longer work
Can you help?


This is a list to help us remember those DPIers no longer with us.
Please read it and send additions.  Thanks.
I will leave this in the new section as a constant reminder.
Click here for messages received.

Visit these pages:

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures - What some of us look like now and some from the near and far past.

Errors corrected by those who know the truth!

Check for email Hoaxes and False Virus Warnings

Europe - A June '98 visit to Switzerland and Germany renewed some 25 year old friendships and memories of DPI/NCR Europe.  

Original DPI Home Page created by Pat Armstrong (Thanks Pat)

Logos - from then till now.

Lists - In Memoriam List of those we have lost.
           Employee List of everyone who had a DPI Badge Number.
           Email list of those willing to share them.
           Early Customer list, those who risked and were rewarded
           Results of the survey regarding the existence of old DPI Systems still in use.

Nicknames - Seems almost everyone had one.  Who had these?

      The BOOGIE PAGE.  Pictures, stories,
       and poems from Shirley Stough Horn plus more.

Home Pages of DPIers - John Swofford
                                       Lou Christensen
                                       Greg Ewald (Business)
                                       Rick Keiner (Marriage picture + more)
                                       Dale Cook
                                       Pete Gregoire
                                       Bill Harber

Happenings and People -
                            Messages received regarding the passing of DPIers
                            Ken Krawczyk sends a warning to heed
                            Pete Rosa, an old timer, added to the In Memoriam page
                            Barry Glover gone to Nepal. Sad News following Excitement
                            Russ Parr's nude evolution
                            A picture of a Customer Engineering class in session?

Stories, anecdotes, trivia - What stories do you have to add?

DPI History - Makes a good story in itself.

The Principals upon which DPI was founded - Are they still valid?

Current price of DPI Stock - with some calculation to create it. I am sure no one really cares, but the new formula after the July 9, 2001 spin off of AWE from AT&T makes the formula DPI = 1.3893xT + 6.004xLUx + 0.289xNCR + 0.5003xAV+ 2.235xAWE + 2.2472xCMCSA. With more spin offs and buyouts to come, I plan to lose track of it all. This gets it through the Comcast merger with AT&T Broadband and the 1 for 5 split of T. So if you figure it out you can give me the info to update this.

Weather memories - Sunnyvale Tornado,  El Nino

Enhanced and animated DPI logos courtesy of Dick From