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95 BooterThis program allows you to select which way to boot up Windows 95.
Agent95 v1.00t Demo 968k Shows how much Physical RAM, virtual memory, & system resources each running application consumes! 
Anywhere95 v2.31 677k Allows you to copy/move virtually any kind of file by simply right clicking & selecting 'Send to... AnyWhere 95.! 
Animated Doom Cursors for Win95/NT 
AutoMate Professional v3.5a Schedule your computer to perform any task on it's own at any time. 
Aeco Zip Explorer Pro v1.05 Win95 ZIP Manager 
BackDrop v1.01 Allows you to use multiple pictures for your wallpaper! 
Boot Manager 95 v1.1a System util that allows you to easily configure undocumented Win95 boot options 
CAB Extractor v.10 Use to locate cabinet files(CAB)& listfiles(CCF) 
CD-Quick Cache v1.2 Dramatically improve the performance of your CD-ROM drive.. for Win95! 
Clicker v1.2a A 32-bit mouse/pointing device add-on utility for Win95/NT, assigns functions 
Click'n Save 2.0 A Win95/NT based screen capture program! 
ClockMan95 v1.0.055 1.31M Full featured event scheduler for Win95. Allows user to easily automate a limitless number of popular Windows apps! 
Click'n Print v1.0 Enables you to print graphic images direct from the Windows clipboard 
Desktop Informant v1.1b 1444k an easy to use utility that displays detailed file info for any file in Win95 
DeskView32 v1.1 The ultimate Windows 95 desktop viewer! 
Desktop Toilet Recycle Bin replacement! 1.6M A direct replacement for the Win95/NT Explorer apps. Does all of the same functions, but uses a three dimensional user interface to give the illusion of flying around the inside of your hard disk or network directory! 
Disktective v1.5 134k You can use Disktective to trace your lost space. Find out the real size of your directories. 
DOS Mode for Win95 v1.3 Creation of multiple configs that are designed specifically for Win95 & DOS 
DOS Explore 95 v1.1 This util allows you to exit to DOS in the DIR your in! 
Drag & Zip v1.13b for Win95! 
Drag & File v2.0 600k for Win95! 
Drag & File Gold v2.0 1200k for Win95/NT.. is a very powerful file and archive manager. Zipping & Unzipping, Virus Scanner built in! 
Drag & View v1.22 600k File Viewer for Win95! 
Easy Icons 95 Manages your Icons 
FaxMail for Win95 v4.19 
FaxModem Wizard v4.17 
FileView Ansi/hex viewer for Windows 95 
File Plus v3.11 538k Multi-window file manager application that uses the source/target method of copying & moving files! 
FileSync v1.3 237k A utility that lets you display the contents of two folders side by side & synchronize them by copying the more recent & missing files to required folder!
MS Windows 95 Font Smoother v1.0 100k Makes text easier to read and more pleasant to look at! Included with MS Plus! Pack.
Hitchiker Ani Cursor Animated Thumb Cursor! 
Hot Corners v1.0 Temporarily disable your ScreenSaver! 
HJSplit v1.0 110k for splitting larger files into smaller ones. 
inWatch95 v1.0 347k Track changes to Windows95 directories, win.ini, system.ini, msdos.sys & Registry (system.dat & user.dat) 
In Cube Voice Command v1.17 Gives you 22 voice commands for use with popular WIN desktop utils 
InfoSpy A general purpose Windows environment viewer 
InstantON v1.1 960k Lets you schedule your PC to work automatically, whether you are there not: Leave your Win95 system powered on, and you can schedule system tools like ScanDisk to run late at night, or outgoing faxes to be sent when the rates are low. 
LapLink for Win95 v7.5 Trial IS personnel and new remote access users can now test-drive what computer & business magazines are calling "the best remote access solution in the market"! 
Launchpad for Win95 
Lifesaver v2.01 1.88M A Win95 configuration file backup & restore utility which can be used to recover from problems due to corrupt configuration files or changes to configuration files which can not be undone 
Long File Names for Win95 
MemStats vW95B2 Memory Stats for Win95! 
Michael's Disk Benchmark v1.11 for Win95! 
McAfee Virus Scan v2.09e for Win95! The BEST Virus Scan Software Available! 
McAfee ViroScan Monthly Update (December) 448k Direct from McAfee! 
Microsoft Camcorder v1.0 Utility that allows movies to be easily created using screen-capture technology. It is a simple but powerful movie recorder and playback utility. 
Microsoft Media Manager Beta 5400k A new program that helps you organize & easily locate multimedia files. 
More Space 95 v2.2 432k helps you free up valuable disk space by targeting those files that are large, obsolete or duplicated. 
MultiBoot 2.0 for Win95! 
NBench 2.0 for Win95/NT 
Network Modem Program Share Network Modems! 
Norton Antivirus Updates (August) 775k 
Passwords Plus v1.7 allows an unlimited number of users to each keep an individual encrypted password-protected list of their passwords. 
PC Sweep 32 v3.54 2.4M A file manager that lets you perform many disk, dir., & file-mgmt functions 
pcAnywhere32 v7.5 Demo The fastest & easiest way to access applications & data remotely from a home or office PC or network-anywhere, anytime! 
Perfect Screens v2.1 1055k Virtual screens manager+launcher for Win95! 
PFE v0.602i Text Editor for Win95! 
"Power Users" Addon for Win95! 
PowerToys Complete Set 12/1/96 Release 204k From Win95 Development Team! 
Print2Disk v1.5a Redirect printer output to disk in form of a graphic image file (PCX, etc.) 
PrintScreen 471k Screen Capture Util for Win95! 
Quarterdeck CleanSweep95 v2 Demo Win95 cleanup & desktop management software. 
QuickView Plus Demo 2400k Extends the built-in Quick View in Win95 to a pile of additional file formats! 
Quicktime for Win95 v2.1.2.59 1700k Allows you to view quicktime movies (.MOV) 
Quick Open for Win95 v1.0 a Utility that allows you to do "word-search" for folders FAST!, customizable "lanunch buttons", detects changes & updates itself! 
QuickTime Virtual Reality for Windows & Win95 
RDel Command-Line util - Replaces DOS DEL - sends files to Recycle Bin! 
RegClean v1.0 1500k earch your Registry for unnecessary & orphaned fluff & delete it. 
Registry Search & Replace for exp. users only! 
Rename v1.33 Rename a multiple files with different names to sequential names. 
SafetyNet Pro v2.1 577k afety Net Pro is a highly acclaimed utility for backing up key files by file extension! 
Search & Replace v2.3 192k Global text search & replace that will span directories 
Service for Neware NDS Direct for Microsoft! 
ShutDown Add shutdown button for quick exit! 
Small Utilities v2.0 Essential productivity tool no Win95 computer should be without! 
Start Clean v1.0 17k Cleans the START Menu! 
Stuffit Expander v1.0 346k Drag 'n Drop decompression tool that will decompress .zip .gzip .arc .arj .hqx .sit .uue files 
Swatch v1.2 Set your Timex DataLink Watch via PC! 
SuperLok Encrypt/Decrypt files with password 
SysTips 95 Access Windows 95 help files 
SysClk v1.0 Allows you to enable/disable animated windows, enable/disable full drag windows, etc. 
Tessler's Nifty Tools Home Page Individual Files & Descriptions! 
The John Trash Can replacement! 
ThunderByte Anti-Virus 95 v7.03 685k A "smart" anti-virus program for Win95! 
Toolbar 2000 v2.12b 900k A floating toolbar with utilities like full-featured ZIP manager, LED Clock & Timer, enhanced notepad. 
TopDesk v3.0 112k A utility that provides ready access to ALL of the objects on the desktop. It does this via a menu from an icon in the tray of the system task bar. Hot-key activation! 
TrayExit 1.0 Exit Win95 fast! 
TrackIt for Win95/NT v1.1 monitor system resources 
TunderBYTE v650 A "smart" anti-virus program, created in Europe 
Turbo95 v1.3 151k Benchmark, you can test CPU, FPU, Cache L2, Svga, Hard Disk. 
Tweak User Interface v1.1 Tweak the interface for Win95 (menu delay, icons, etc.) 
UCopy v1.0 Will format disks to 1.68MB DMF format (Win95 3.5" Floppies)! 
UltraEdit v2.11b Text & HEX Editor w/MDI Interface 
Virtual Window Mgr. v1.53 Allows you to create multiple screens on your desktop! 
VirusNet(tm)95 Top-rated PC anti-virus detection and removal system for Win95! 
VRamDir v1.09 40k VRAMDIR is a dynamic 32-bit virtual RAM file system driver for Win95. It is to replace RAM-disk & speed up hard-disk related operations. 30 times faster than hard-disks, 5 times faster than RAM-disks, & 2 times faster than disk-cache. 
Windows 95 Shell Update Direct from Microsoft! 
Win-eXpose-I/O v2.0 1156k File I/O tracer/Debuger/Monitor for Win95 
WinZip for Win95 v6.2 628k The Most popular archive manager for Windows! WinZip Self-Extractor v2.0 309k an optional add-on for WinZip! WinZip Install/Try/Uninstall Option v1.1 Beta 4a 44k Install/Uninstall feature makes it easy to install and uninstall software distributed in archives. 
WinPack 32 Deluxe v1.30 1M Support ZIP, GZIP, TAR, Lharc, UUENCODE, BINHEX, ARJ, & ZOO 
WinShade v2.0 628k Allows you to "rollup" windows into their title bar. Configurable with a icon. 
Win95 Resource Kit Utils from Microsoft! 
Win95 Resource Kit Help File Research Windows 95 details 
WinHacker 95 v2.0b3 Makes some of the more common registry edits a GUI Control Panel! 
WinOne v6.7rB 32 bit "super" command line shell for Win95! 
WinTune 95 vB6(tune-up) 
WinImage v3.0 320k Windows disk imager, allows you to read, write, & format floppies, even DMF floppies. 
Worms Screensaver for Win95/NT 
ZD Net's Hands On Win95 v1.0 Help file that brings together dozens of articles on preparing for, installing, & using Win95! 
ZIPExploper Pro v2.1 335k An extension for the Win95 operating system that allows the standard Win Shell to operate on & inside of ZIP archives 
ZipFolders v2.02 Provides a easy way to handle Zip files under Windows & DOS. You can run any program, game & installation program directly from within a ZIP file. 
ZipWorks v2.3 563k ZipWorks is a full featured 32 bit ZIP file manipulater for Win95. 
Anawave WebSnake 1.0 (Beta 2)Designed exclusively for Windows 95 and Windows NT, WebSnake supports off-line browsing, advanced searching and retrieval of files by keywords or file type, website mirroring, creating graphical site maps and retrieval of e-mail addresses. Unlike most of our competitors, WebSnake also supports the industry-standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Backstage 95Backstage and Backstage 95 are two programs to help you manage the INI files and the Windows 95 Registry. Many options for searching saveing and editing. Shareware.
BlackBoard UtilShows your drive information and has functions for running your main utility programs. it also will edit your configuration files and show you directory and file info. it has a function to show you your open programs and what priority they are.
Boot Manager 95Allows you to easily configure your Windows 95 bootup options. Windows 95 has configurable boot options that are only documented in the Win95 Resource Kit. Allows you to change these options. Requires VBasic 4.0 Runtime files. See the "TOOLS" area.
BootMaster '95Boot Configuration Manager. Config.Sys, Autoexec.Bat, Win.Ini, System.Ini, and Image files to secure and handle different configurations. Shareware benefits: Free support and updates for registered users.
Cab file extractorCab Extractor for Windows CAB files.
Cab WizCab Extractor for Windows CAB files.
ConfigControllerIntelligent text file controller for Windows INI, WFW, LanManager, Autoexec and Config.sys files.
Hard Disk LEDSimulates the hard-disk light on your system. Flashes every time the system accesses your hard drive(s). Easily see your hard-drive activity.
Hard Disk SleeperControl the Power Management of your IDE & Enhanced-IDE harddisk drives. Define suspend times for one or all drives and you can activate or deactivate your drives just with a mouse click. Do not use on SCSI drives.
KiLLCMOS32Basically "resets" your computer's CMOS settings to the factory defaults. Works with ALL CMOS. KiLLCMOS only changes checksums & values that makes the motherboard CMOS revert back to factory defaults. Better than draining your battery!
MEG 97Advanced system information program for Windows 95 which graphs memory and disk space. See a quick graphical view of your PC. Powerful search features help you remove duplicate, unneeded files to the recycle bin.
AvalaunchProgram launcher. It will also close programs that it has launched, and launch or close a number of programs at once with just one push of a button. Group the programs together that you commonly use together.
Barry Press Utilities 95Simple monthly calendar, a drag-and-drop ASCII file printer, an icon for printer orientation control, and more.
CineVideo/DirectAdds an icon to the system tray of Win 95's taskbar and replaces the many steps you would normally use to display the Shut Down Windows 95 dialog. Specifically, the program adds an Exit icon which you can double click to Shut Down your computer.
clySmic Win32 UtilitiesA collection of 32-bit desktop utilities for Windows 95, Windows NT 3.5x, and Win32s. Included are a drag 'n' drop Wallpaper selector, an Exe File Info utility, a System Info utility, a user-controlled Random Wallpaper program, and File Manager Extensions
CrashGuardSimple, reliable crash protection and recovery program that can intercept and repair most crashes and "frozen" applications long enough for you to save your work. Work in Win95 worry-free. Saves you the time, frustration and cost of recreating lost work.
EZee Exit 95Adds an icon to the system tray of Win 95's taskbar and replaces the many steps you would normally use to display the Shut Down Windows 95 dialog. Specifically, the program adds an Exit icon which you can double click to Shut Down your computer.
HandiWORDWord prediction and abbreviation expansion software aiding individuals with limited keyboarding ability. As you input each character, HandiWORD revises the "pick list." When you see the desired word or expansion, just press the associated numeric key.
HideWindowHideWindow is a simple program that is able to hide and "unhide" an application's window. If the window is visible, the program will hide it, otherwise, it will make it visible again.
IN CUBE Voice CommandWord spotting speech recognition technology. The voice commands included with the demo execute operations most of us use frequently.
Instant Drive AccessMove all your drives to your tray for Instant Access! Now you always can access your drives without having to open "My Computer". See how much free space for all your drives at once. Put your own favorite applications in for Instant Access! More settings.
Morgan32-bit windows application that will rename so-called modules. It takes the module's internal name and removes any and all non-valid characters and uses the result as the new filename.
Pop OpenTiny program which causes windows to appear to expand when they open, rather than just appearing.
RemoveRTracks the files located in your Windows directory & it's sub-directories. this list serves to track which files have been deleted or added during removal or installation of applications. It also lets you safely remove unwanted files to keep Win95 clean!
Right ClipRight-click any text box to paste a word or phrase from the Windows Clipboard that you may need later. Right-click again to either copy the word or phrase back to the Windows Clipboard. More text boxes are available on the other tabs.
SmartCD BrowserComplete front-end for software CD's including functionality for providing product descriptions, screenshots, publisher information and system requirements. It can provide category and keyword searching, install, and uninstall.
SubmitSpider for Windows 95Automatically submits your site to over 250 major search engines, directories, and Usenet newsgroups.
Hot Chilli V1.0Web page authoring tool which puts cool java effects into web pages.
Internet Assistant for Windows 95An HTML editor to be used with Microsoft Word for Windows.
HTML EditHTML Edit is an easy to use HTML Editor for beginners to advanced users.
Enhanced HTMLAn easy to use program for creating HTML files. Easy for beginners and experts.
Coffeecup HTML EditorA well featured HTML editor with some javascript built in as well as animated gifs, a color picker, multiple file support and more.
HotDog Web EditorOne of the best, most comprehensive editors.
QuickTimeQuickTime is the industry standard multimedia architecture to store, edit and play synchronized graphics, sound, video, text and music.
VuePrintVuePrint is the most widely used image viewer for Windows.
Paint Shop ProAn excellent graphics program.
Lview Pro Image A great image file editor; loads/saves image files in: JPEG JFIF, GIF etc.
IrfanView32A very fast FREEWARE 32-Bit image viewer for Windoze95 and Windows NT
ACDSeeHigh-performance image viewer. Supports BMP, GIF, JPG, TGA, TIF and more.
eZip WizardFeatures include, spanning, spanning self-extracting files, open multiple .ZIP files, long file nname support, drag & drop and more!
ZipExplorer Pro for Windows 95A new compression package made exclusively for Windows 95 and NT.
AllMicro AntiVirus Survival KitNot reviewed.
ThunderBYTE Anti Virus UtilityThunderBYTE Anti-Virus Utilities represents the first truly revolutionary anti-virus computer software to come along in years
SweepA large majority of DOS viruses can infect PCs running Windows 95. SWEEP for Windows 95 scans disks and networks for known viruses. If a virus is detected,SWEEP produces a warning message.
Becky!Becky! is a multi-featured E-mail client for Windows 95 and the Internet. You will find many features which are expected for an Internet E-mail software, and some beyond your expectation!
MailAlertMailAlert is a utility for Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems that notifies you when you have received electronic mail.
Mail-Check32A utility which checks multiple mailboxes on multiple POP3 servers for mail. Includes a configurable polling cycle and an optional pop-up notification.
Watchdog Mail MonitorWatchdog is a 32-bit winsock application that communicates with a POP3 server on a remote host to check your mail. Watchdog is a small program designed to keep the use of your system's resources at a minumum while keeping you informed of any new mail that you have recieved.
NotifyMail NotifyMail is an application for the Macintosh or Windows that listens for a finger connection. When it receives the connection (for the appropriate user), it will notify you of new email.
Global Chat Client SoftwareNot Reviewed
WinTalk : Talk for Microsoft WindowsWinTalk allows two-way text-based conversation between two users in realtime. It supports the Unix TALK protocol, so can talk to Unix users as well as anyone else running TALK software such as WinTalk.
Comic Chat ClientComic Chat is a new kind of graphical chat program developed at Microsoft. As users type text into Comic Chat, a comic strip unfolds showing the various participants in the conversation ascomic characters, and their utterances in word balloons.
Microsoft Internet ExplorerThe #1 browser from Microsoft. This great application is fast catching Netscape in the "Battle of the Browsers".
Netscape Navigator 3.01The worlds favourite browser.
PowerToys for Windows 95Microsoft's addon utilities for Windows95. Worth getting for Tweak Gui alone.
Microsoft Software LibraryMicrosoft's library of everything to do with them.
GravityMicroPlanet is pleased to announce the release of our first product, a new 32-bit offline newsreader for Windows 95 and Windows NT that features powerful rules-based management of USENET news.
Smart NewsReaderThe Smart NewsReader is a Windows application that talks TCP/IP protocol to a NNTP news server and provides access to Usenet newsgroups.
Whois, Finger, and Host Utilities Not Reviewed
CuteFTPFTP client
fpArchieArchie client
Fast ForwardFilter out the adverts from your web pages. Only works with Netscape.
McAfee Virus ScanDownload the shareware version of this top anti virus utility
Formlogic - SetmeupA handy utility for setting up your desktop.
Eye SaverReminds you at regular intervals to take a rest from your screen. Saves you from eye strain
IpswitchThis is currently the best FTP client on the market, and it's free!
Eudora Light E.Mail Client The Eudora software is the #1 electronic mail application on the Internet, with an estimated 10 million users.
RAS+95 - Win32 Dial Up Networking UtilityOne of the better DUN clients from Lamb Software
QuarterdeckVarious demos can be downloaded from this site including the excellent Cleansweep. This can be used to keep your hard disk free of clutter.
Trumpet WinsockJust in case you don't want to use Windows95 Dial Up Networking.
WinZipBest file compression/decompression utility for Windows.
Best .ZIP FilesA vast selection of .zip files for you to peruse and download.
WebBandit Web SpiderWeb Bandit is a fully automated, multi-threaded, hyperlink-following, resource finding webspider. Its a 32-bit Windows 95/NT 3.5 application that retrieves resources from the Internet based on filtering constraints and keyword searching.

Other Bits and Pieces

Plugins & Active X The Father of Shareware Shareware
Jumbo Shareware AutoDial Registry Patch Cover Page Fix
Kernel Toys Desktop Control Center Disable Norton Splash Screens
INFFILE Registry Patch NOMRU Registry Patch Rename Recycle Bin Registry Patch
Windows95 Updates 95 Multi Booter

Links to Over 80 Windows95 Sites

Copyright © 1997 Chris Holbrooke/

Last Updated 15 August 1997