Isn't technology a wonderful thing ! As I write this I'm sitting
on a bus on my way to work. Even better, I'm writing this out on my PalmPilot
and when I get to work one button press will copy this text over to
my PC for conversion to HTML.
Thats what the new wave of technology is all about ease of access &
distribution of information.
The next few months should see the rise of key technologies that will
radically change they way we live, work & play.
For instance take Cyrix's Webpad, add Suns Jini technology, a home network
& a few bits of custom electronics and you instantly have a smart house.
Imagine being able to surf the web, program your VCR, control your lighting
or heating all using a wireless webpad and a stylis.
Pure sci-fi ? Nope just some creative use of some new technologies.
The Mad Developer
Whats Here ?
Java Tutorial
An introduction to Java covering all the basics (hopefully).
Source Files
Useful files and source code for you to download.