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Email to: dianna@computernerdgirl.com

Computer Nerd Girl Dedication:

This month's dedication goes to my little nerdbaby. I dedicate much of my time keeping her from ripping my mouse out by the roots. She has her own keyboard and computer desk but she has recently noticed that she doesn't have a monitor.
Computer Nerd Girl Software Adventures
Computer Nerd Girl Hardware Adventures
Computer Nerd Girl Travel Adventures
Computer Nerd Girl in Vegas - a Daily Account
Family Photos and some new links

Computer Nerd Girl Mission:

To boldly code where no code has gone before.

Computer Nerd Girl Software Adventures:

I'm currently studying for my OCP (Oracle Certified Professional). I've been dabbling with Flash 5 a bit. The biggest software adventure I've had lately is just trying to find my software. I bought a house several months back and haven't unpacked everything yet. So the software is hiding out in unknown territory.

Computer Nerd Girl Hardware Adventures:

Now that I have a new house I finally got my computers out of the dining room and into their very own office. However, my new dining room looks like a computer spare parts factory because I'm helping a friend turn his spare parts into computers. I won't mention my friends name... but if he is reading this... he should be forwarned that my little nerdbaby is teething on RAM and motherboards that don't belong to me. hint hint!

I finally got DSL. It is wonderfully fast. The only drawback to my having DSL is I filled up 30 gigs of harddrive very fast downloading Napster files. I suppose I'll have to get a CD Writer to copy off my collection of music.

Here is my new wish list for hardware (in case you want to send me stuff). Flat screen monitor, cd writer, color laser printer, PIII or above laptop... I'll even accept a PII laptop. I also accept anything that is expensive, bigger, better, or faster.

I still haven't got that [subliminal gift idea] laser printer for the [color] other computer. I'm waiting and I already have a spot for it hint hint in the new office.

It's so much easier to sneak new stuff in with all this new space.

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Computer Nerd Girl Travel Adventures:

I visited Orlando, FL for a convention and stayed extra days to play. I stayed in Palm Springs for about six weeks last year. Unfortunately a family member was ill so my trip wasn't for pleasure... but I did get a tan. I also travelled to Los Angeles to go to a convention last summer. I stayed a few extra days to visit with friends and show off my new nerdbaby. I'm from the LA area so it's always fun to go back.

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Computer Nerd Girl in Vegas:

I usually stop in Las Vegas when I'm in that area but not this time. I think my travelling is going to be slowed down until nerdbaby is out of diapers. Hopefully that will be in the next 6 months.

I visited a casino when I was in Palm Springs... but it wasn't the same as Vegas... so I left.

Speaking of gambling... I'm still doing casino parties. Check out our site casinoparty.com. At the last party I got my picture taken with Dr. Evil. I'll post the picture when I get a chance.

Oh... I almost forgot. I WON MONEY on the internet. I wasn't gambling. I played some F R E E games at Jackpot.com. I've won 5 times. Check it out. Click here to sign up under me. My referral id is: 122-1232 if the link doesn't work.

As much as I would love for all of you to sign up yourselves and friends and family under me... well don't. You sign up and then get your friends to sign up under you. Jackpot has a You Win/I Win program. I won some things when I didn't even play. That's cool. I know about several other good sites but if you want to know about them just email me and I'll send you the links.

I could go on and on, but the subject has drifted off computers.

That's it for now.

Computer Nerd Girl

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Family Photos:

Computer Nerd Girl Photo Album

Past Issues of Computer Nerd Girl:


Links to other sites on the Web -- I promise to update these very soon. I'm going to add some really good sites. Techie sites and fun sites. You'll have to come back and see.

Naturalistic Decision Making and Selecting a Spouse
A Systems Engineering Approach to Dating and Relationships
Your best bet for a good time
How to Repair a PC
How to add Terrific People to your Life!
Lessons in Lifemanship By Brian Bell
TECHWEB-The Technology Super Site
Internet White Pages

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