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WINDOWS Based versions FAQ section
No response from program
If you've clicked on your league file and nothing seems to be happening, wait a bit. The current routine for sorting out league data needs to be sped up, so it takes a bit for the info to load.
ITC and Runtime Error 6
The cause for this error is a player who has a skill rating in which the actual rating is higher than his potential rating. Find the culprit and edit his stats to eliminate the problem. By the way, any league using masked potentials is not going to be able to train with any player file other than the master file.
A few of these programs require the msvbvm50.dll file in order to run. It is available for downloading on my UTILITIES page. (It's the first file listed)
Missing .PYC file
If you're using the COLLEGE utility and it can't find a PYC file, it's because you're currently not in a college draft and have no rookies to assign colleges to.
DOS Based versions FAQ section
These utilities cost nothing to use, and are not crippled in any way. If you'd like to contribute something to the author you may do so, but it's strictly optional. Things ma ychange in the future though, as this stuff seems to eat away at a lot of my spare time.
No League Loaded Message
The DOS path and filename of the leagues LGE file must appear as the first parameter of the command line in oder for a league to be loaded.
Team Page Generator source page names
Source page names must be valid DOS names, meaning a maximum of 8 characters followed by a period followed by a 1-3 character extension. Anything other than a valid DOS filename will cause TPG to crash.
Team Page Generator directories
TPG source and destination directories MUST be different directories. The program is attempting to create a final team page that has the same name as your source page, and can't do so if the directory names are the same.
Command Lines
The league file name must appear first on the command line of any program that requires it. Be sure to include the DOS path! (ie. c:\sierra\fbpro9?\myleague\league.lge). The .lge extension isn't required.
Matchup - Adding Previous Seasons
At this time, there is no way to manually add prior seasons. But, if you can locate any league file from post season play for the season you'd like to add, you can use that in place of an end of season league file.
Matchup - Ending the Season
After the championship game, run matchup as usual to get the current weeks output, then run it again with the -endseason switch to prepare the data files for next season.
'95 Compatability
Yes, all the utilities are compatible with the '95, '96, '97 and '98 versions of Front Page Sports.
If you get a -Subscript out of Range in module PV2 at 0A28:0601FL- error when using poolview with the output from Sundby's ROSTER utility, the solution is to delete the FA draft pool from the text file and just leave the COLLEGE or SUPPLEMENTAL pool.
Draft Editor 
Each round must be edited seperately. Changes in draft order and picks made in round 2 will still be there for round 3. That's why it's important to backup the draft order before making any changes.
If your league is using masked potential ratings there is no way to view a players potential unless you have a copy of the commishes original player file.
General File Naming Conventions 
When any of my programs ask you to supply a file name it must be in a valid DOS format, meaning a max of 8 characters, followed by a period, followed by a max of 3 characters. IE wow.dat, eek.it, noweight.do3, q.ext tttttttt.t

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