Jamil Khatib

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About me

My name is Jamil Khatib. I was born in Jerusalem, Palestine. I graduated from Brandenburg University in Germany and got my Msc. degree in Technology and Innovation Management in 2006.
I got my BSc. degree In Electrical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science in June 98 from Birzeit University Palestine.
I worked as a hardware, software and finally as Senior FPGA Deisgn engineer in Exalt-Technologies (formerly Siemens ICT) in Rammalla, Palestine from 1998 till 2004. I am currently a master student in Germany in the field of Technology and Innovation management. You can check my Performance CV or my Functional CV or download them in MS word format Functional CV Performance CV

Open Source Hardware consulting

I will provide solutions and consulting based on open hw concept for: Please feel free to contact me by email for more information.

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Study related Projects and publications

Articles and News stories about Me and My work

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Handasa Arabia

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Last update: 21.11.2007