Here is a brief overview of the colour-codes, you can use with mIRC.

‹Ctrl-k› : This will activate the colour mode. You have to press those 2 keys at the same time, if you want to take it effect. At mIRC, you'll gonna to see a bullet, after you've pressed this key combination.
‹Ctrl-o› : This key-combination will end the special colour mode or special type-mode and causes the text to be displayed as plain text again.
‹Ctrl-b› : This key-combination will put the following text in Bold.
‹Ctrl-u› : This key-combination will cause that the following text will be Underlined.
‹Ctrl-r› : This combination will cause the text to be displayed in Reverse mode.
‹Ctrl-k›4 : This will set the text in RED
‹Ctrl-k›8,2 : This will set a BLUE background with a YELLOW foreground

Colour codes
0 = white 8 = yellow
1 = black 9 = light-green
2 = blue 10 = green-blue
3 = green 11 = bright cyan
4 = red 12 = bright blue
5 = brown 13 = pink
6 = magenta 14 = grey
7 = orange 15 = bright grey

Created at May 23, 1997

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