There are few conditions to being a member of the GW2k WebRing, and these are outlined as follows: |
In other words no commerical sites. |
The content is considered offensive and/or illegal in the opinion of all the Ring Masters The page no longer exists or no longer contains the banner advertisement for the GW2k WebRing The member does not adhere to the terms and conditions set herein. |
Sites dealt with in this manner will be put 'On hold' and the owner given a set amount of time (to be discussed with them) to correct their site and let it be approved by all the Ring Masters. When Approved, we will re-submit the site on the owner's behalf. The owner's Site ID will remain unaltered.
If the offending site is brought to the attention of the Ring Masters by a member, where the pages contain material which is not covered by the 'Instant removal' (above) and all the Ring Masters agree on a democratic vote between the members. At this point, each member of the ring will be contacted to cast their vote. It will be a 'Yes' or a 'No' outcome as to whether to remove the site, depending on the majority vote. |
Disclaimer: These member pages are in no way affiliated to Gateway 2000, except
that the pages' Web Masters chose to purchase GW2k computers, and/or
created their page using a GW2k computer. The responsibility for the
content on these WebRing member's pages are entirely his/her own. We, as
Ring Masters, assume no more responsibility than to check these
pages on a sporadic basis, to assure responsible, unobjectionable content.