Animated Java Applets

I had just enough time to make two Animated Java Applets and they aren't that good, that they would have this "WOW-affect", you know. But I'm working on others right now.
Because of this, I suppose you wouldn't have to wait so long until you could see something new and moveable on my page. At this point, I would say that I will be very pleased to receive any suggestions on what to add on this page. I am not as creative as other people and I'm always looking for ideas.

So if you have any, mail me !!
I would be pleased to hear from you.

The Welcome Applet

Take a look at the source code!

Download the class files:
film.class source.class

This Applet is better than an animated gif of this kind, because it's only 3.8 KB big.
So it is worth to look at the source code.

Look at the Games page for my second animated Applet!

to the Main Page! 

Back to the Java Applets for Beginners page!