The Scrolling Links Applet

This applet is used to scroll a message containing hypertext links across the screen. Here's an example:
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There are two versions of the applet - one for browsers supporting Java 1.1, and one for the more common browsers. The only difference between the two versions is that a hand cursor appears over the links in the Java 1.1 version. Browsers which support Java 1.1 are Netscape Navigator 4, Internet Explorer 4, and Sun's HotJava browser.
Download standard version
Download Java 1.1 version


One class file is required: the 'LinkScrollApplet.class' file. The size of the font will be automatically set to fit the height of the applet.

The parameters used by the applet follow. If any parameters are omitted default values will be used, but some scrolling text must be specified.
Parameter NameTypePurpose
TEXT1stringThis parameter sets some plain text which will be scrolled in the applet. It should be used with the 'link' parameter, as described below
LINK2stringThis parameter sets some text which is also a link. The value should consist of the text to appear in the message, and the location to link to. They should be separated by a '|', e.g. "Yahoo|". The 'http' is required. Relative links are not allowed. It should be used in conjunction with the previous parameter. For example, to make the scrolling message consist of some normal text, a link, more normal text, and another link, you would use the following parameters: TEXT1, LINK2, TEXT3, LINK4.
FPSnumberThis parameter sets the number of frames per second, i.e. the speed. Good values are around 25.
BGIMAGEfilenameThis parameter specifies an image to use as a background. It should be either a GIF or a JPEG format file.
STEPnumberThis parameter sets the number of pixels the text will scroll per frame. The default is one.

Example HTML code

<APPLET CODE="LinkScrollApplet.class" WIDTH=420 HEIGHT=40>
<PARAM NAME=TEXT1 VALUE="This is an example of the scrolling applet. Go to">
<PARAM NAME=BGIMAGE VALUE="background.gif">

Known Bugs

Copyright © 1997. Any questions, comments or suggestions to Niall Ryan