Hi, My name is Floris Looyesteyn. On this page you can find some information about me as well as some pictures. |
I was born on November 23rd 1978 in the Netherlands. On the right you see a picture where I am only 3 months old. |
15 months old. You can already see I will probably become an alcoholic. (I have two beerholders in my hands) Also check out my great clothes! |
This is just a great picture. Man, I must have been really cool those days... |
Here's a picture of my first computer. I believe it was a 8088 with 512k and 40Megs. No, that's not cache and RAM! It's RAM and the Harddisk! On the right you see my father (who doesn't know much about computers). |
I also like to play guitar but I'm not really good at it. I should practise some more because plans for a band are already made. I can play some Nirvana songs though. And also some Metallica which is my favourite band. On the right you see a picture of my electrical guitar but most of the time I play my acoustic guitar. |
So, enough about me. Click here to visit the page about my cat Tijger