Sample Configuration Files

.netrc file This one demonstrates how ftp can automatically log in and perform a specific task. The task performed here is to download the RedHat62 RPMS for compiling a kernel.

kernel_sh.txt This demonstrates installing rpm's through ftp, rpm delets the files when done.

kernel_remove_sh.txt A script to uninstall the RPM's installed in the kernel_sh.txt script.

lilo_conf.txt A sample of the LILO configuration file: /etc/lilo.conf.

fstab.txt A sample of the file system table: /etc/fstab.

mtab.txt A sample of the: /etc/mtab.

conf_modules.txt A sample of the: /etc/conf.modules.

hosts.txt A sample of the: /etc/hosts.

named_conf.txt A sample of the: /etc/named.conf.

dhcpd_conf.txt A sample of the: /etc/dhcpd.conf.