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People Have Been To My Page
Don't u be stealin my pics
yo mama is a man
Nice, huh?
yo mamy
I love chesse
Sailor Moon is Soo cool!!!
Ami is HOT
Sailor Moon
I'm running out of things to say
Like my music?
Whoa, Your amazed, it moves
We all live in a yellow submarine (because you wizzed on it)
Uranus, I can see Uranus! Pluto
DIE! Nope not another uranus joke
Mecury has blue hair, whats that?
I know nobody will ever read this
Whoof Whoof!
Jupiter is a gasious planet/person
Eternal Sailor Moon, Shes gota be pretty old, why whould Tuxedo Mask wnat her?
I'm running out of things to say about Ami
What a pic, lots of chicks
God, how many Ami oics do I have to wright about
What is Usagi? Smoon, sounds like spoon!!
Rei is soo yo ma (No, i don't know what that meens)
What is there to say?
It is properly pronounced Your-A-Nus I cant see the pic now, but i bet it has a woman in it
Sailor Moon = Serena = Girl = Woman = HOT
There's Uranus!!!
Ami's getin big
I Know your drueling
I dont have too many saturn pics
Saturn Is Not Goth, SING